Spend 20 minutes working up to the heaviest weight possible on the complex:
TGU to Windmill
if you’re feeling ‘leader board-ish, go for a heavy single TGU
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 10.23.11
For time:
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Post time and RX to comments.
Compare to 6.27.11
Tough Titsday Plus Still Has Slots!
TTD Plus is the third iteration of Tough Titsday. This 6 class series is all about lifting heavy and playing hard. Each Saturday, we’ll meet after classes are done and we have the gym all to ourselves. We’ll get our lift on and then break out the fun stuff you’re always eyeing like the prowler, sled, slam ball, sledgehammer, sandbags, ropes and more!
Limited to 6 participants who have some experience with lifting heavy and the desire to be awesome.
Saturdays at 2:00pm, 1.5 hours
1/21; 1/28; 2/4; 2/11; 2/18; 2/25
Register Here
CFSBK Paleo Potluck!
On January 21st, at 6PM, Crossfit South Brooklyn will be hosting our 2012 CFSBK Community Paleo Potluck to kick off our Paleo Challenge!
This will be an awesome opportunity to hang out, socialize, and share recipes and strategies. Everyone is asked to bring some sort of dish, limited only by your creativity and payload of your pickup truck. You’ve got a pickup truck, right?
To get started, if anyone can volunteer for set-up/breakdown, has extra tables, chairs, extension cords, or the ability to cut ice sculpture likenesses of the coaches, please email davidcrossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
Please post in the event page comments both to RSVP (include guests) and to say what dish they are bringing so we don’t have overlaps. Comments should be limited to dishes and headcounts, we’ve got a whole gym blog for normal tangential gym banter. Remember, if you are bringing hot food you will need a crock pot, hot plate, or some other way to keep it warm.
Also, Aerosmith will no longer be performing. Instead you’ll be treated to the musical stylings of 90s 1-Hit Wonder Gods Ugly Kid Joe!
AM Foundations Cycle for February Still has Slots!
Are you an Early Bird interested in getting started with us? February AM and Late Morning Foundations cycles still have slots!
February Morning Foundations
2/7/12 – 3/1/12
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00am-8:15am
Register Here
February Late Morning Foundations
2/13/12 – 3/7/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00am-10:15am
Register Here
What’s Inflammation Mark’s Daily Apple
Humans May Taste at Least 6 Flavors Live Science
Fishing Under Ice Youtube