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Today is the last day of our mini back off cycle. We will start a new training cycle tomorrow.
Scott’s official application for the CFSBK band
Good Luck, CRASH B’ers!
Best of luck to Mackenzie C and Coach Josh who are competing in the CRASH B Indoor rowing championships today in Boston. Coach Nick has been training Mackenzie and Josh for the past couple weeks and will be their coxwain today. Best of luck!
More CFSBKers on the Interwebz
- Check out “Battle of Cleans and Jerks” at Cal Strength. CFSBK platform superstar Brian D is in this one!
- Matt U attempts to pet all 185 Breeds at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (Don’t Tell Stella)
- Rick M has been deemed one of the most stylish New Yorkers by Time Out Magazine
- Samir C‘s book, “A Legal Theory for Autonomous Artificial Agents” is causing some buzz over at the Concurring Opinions blog where over a dozen lawyers have started writing articles about the implications of this book and the legality of artificial intelligence.
Brooklyn MovNat Workout in Prospect Park Today at 10am
How 1 Minute Intervals Can Improve Health NY Times