Five rounds, each for time, of:
135/95 pound Power clean, 5 reps
135/95 pound Front squat, 10 reps
135/95 pound Jerk, 5 reps
20 Pull-ups
Rest 90 seconds
If you’re a beginner and havent developed a solid technical foundation with the Power Clean, substitute 10 deadlifts each round. The 20 pull-ups in this workout presume a mature kipping pull-up, any sort of assisted or strict version should have the volume cut in half to 10 per round.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
compare to 4.25.11
The Voice Of The People, Mobina H!
Congratulations to CFSBK team “Supple Leopard” who WON the Trivia Challenge at Pacific Standard last night!!!
Happy Birthday, Justin Z!
Murph Day is 1 week away…..
The CFSBK Softball Team!
Interested in putting that functional fitness to use? Dan H. is in the process of recruiting a few more members for a CFSBK softballteam as part of the YMCA Adult Co-ed League. Games are usually held once a week around 7pm at the Red Hook fields. A small league fee of $40-50pp will be expected to participate for the season. ALL levels are welcome. If you’re interested or have any other questions, please contact Jess at Jessica (at) We’ve already got about 22 people signed up!
Zen and the Art of Crush Week!
In traditional meditative disciplines you aim to cultivate mindfulness in a physically neutral setting. Often the practitioner sits in a comfortable position and tries to bring attention toward their breathing. In Yoga, we see a more dynamic approach where rhythmic breathing becomes interwoven with a controlled flow through a series of postures . In both of these instances, the intention is for the pilot to become more tuned into the “now”. At CrossFit, we achieve something very similar through a very different approach. During an intimidating lift or difficult conditioning piece you’re forced to deal with the moment at hand. The high discomfort level of what we do takes that moment and amplifies the physical inputs to the point where you can’t help but focus on what’s happening. You know this intuitively and it’s why you get nervous before a 500m erg test or 3 rep max Back Squat attempt. You know that once you start you’ll be forced to deal with the “now” until it’s all over. Every second gets dragged out and every moment to rest or doubt yourself becomes amplified against what needs to get done. Take this opportunity to set your intention for the approaching workouts. Whenever you find yourself deep in the agonizing “now” embrace it and stay on task. Don’t look around the room to see where everyone else is, don’t check the clock to see how much time has gone by and don’t make excuses to try and avoid what your feeling. Just keep fighting the barbell up or chipping away at reps until you’ve completed the task. If you lose focus and get derailed, don’t let it mess with your head, just come back pushing harder. Remember, you’re here to get stronger, both physically AND mentally.
Enjoy Crush Week!
“I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center.”
– Kurt Vonnegut
Scaling the Pull-Up with Ring Rows CrossFit
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