3 Rounds of:
In 5 Minutes
Row 500m
AMRAP Hang Clean and Shoulder To Overhead
Rest about 4-5 mintues between each round
Work Weight Options:
Post total reps completed and Rx to comments.
Assistance Work
Dumbbell Press
1×10 Warm-Up
1×20 Work
Gym Equipment Etiquette Reminders
While not comprehensive, these pointers can help your rack up credibility points at the gym.
Plyo Box Storage: For years we’ve told you, “DON’T STACK THE BOXES!!!” because they get wedged on top of each other and end up stuck together… well we take it back*! Josh M put some carpet material on the inside of each 16″+ box (thanks Josh!) so now you CAN stack them without fear of a coach reprimanding you. We’ve also painted some numbers on the boxes. When you put them back, please organize them with the red numbers facing forward.
*This does not apply to the smaller 12″ wooden boxes we usually keep by the jump stretch bands. Those most certainly get wedged together and are a total pain in the ass to seperate. NEVER stack the small wooden boxes!
White Boards: We often do workouts that require you to track rounds or reps on the fly. To make your life a little easier we cut up some whiteboards into little tablets for personalized use (Thanks DMak!). Two points of etiquette with these. 1. Please erase your board after you’re done with it. 2. If the workout requires you to track rounds (as opposed to reps) please write a bunch of dashes on the board and use your finger to track completed rounds. Keeping the marker uncapped during the workouts dries them out and leaves more stuff on the ground for people to potentially step on.
Erg (Rower) Handles: When you’re done with an erg, please put the handle all the way back in the window. We know it seems intuitive to house them in the little dock that concept 2 provided but if you leave them there too long it weakens the spring that provides recoil on the handle. The small dock is only for rest periods or partner transitions.
Bumpers: When you’re breaking down your barbells make sure to put them back in an orderly stack. If you’re the first person back to a low set of bumpers and the PVC holder is down, put it back so all the remaining bumps can be stacked properly. Also- whenever classes are large and we’re running low on weight, try to use the largest bumpers available. For example, if you’re squatting 165, your bar should have a pair of 45s and a pair of 15s on it. Not 25s, then a bunch of 10s and change.
Bailing: Bailing is a necessary part of lifting heavy and metcons but don’t go crazy with it. People can get a little bail-friendly and drop weight they could have just as easily put down under control. Excessive dropping puts wear on the bumpers AND the bars. You’ve no doubt noticed the bumpers with big cracks and no metal inserts in them. Why is that? Too much bailing! Also- it should go without saying but NEVER bail an empty bar, these will quickly destroy the finest barbells.
Bikes: We have a pretty lax policy on people leaving their bikes up by the front during class. That being said there are two things to consider. First off, you should lock your wheel to the frame of your bike to discourage would-be theives. In the 2+ years we’ve been on Degraw street there has only been one attempted bike theft incident.. but you’re better off safe than sorry. Secondly, please do not put your bike in front of the sign in desk, garbage can or fridge. Stacking your bike in front of any of these makes it hard for other members to use the front area at all.
Being mindful of your foot print: During peak hours the gym can be quite crowded. If you’re stretching out on the mat or working on something, please be mindful of your surroundings and do your best to be as efficient with your personal foot print as possible. This is especially true for jumping rope which can make it very difficult for people to get around you. If you’re going to skip rope, make sure you’re not in a high traffic area. If you want to use a rack or set up a barbell somewhere, make sure to ask a coach first if theres room and where you can go.
Finally, if you’re not sure about something, don’t hesitate to ask a coach. A CrossFit gym is probably very different than the commercial gym you spent the last X years in.
Related Reading:
Degraw Street Etiquette 101 David Osorio
Gym Etiquette Noah Abbott
Bad CrossFit Gym Etiquette Satire Video
CrossFit Sonora Gym Tour
Vegetarians Are Great… 70’s Big
The Secret Advice From a Vegan CrossFitter