Fitness: 1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat
Spend 15 Minutes working on this complex. Focus on a solid spinal set up, a good rack position, and proper footwork. Go up in weight only if appropriate.
Performance: Heavy Triple
Work up to a heavy 3 on the Power Clean, only go up if you’re racking the bar correctly. Focus on sharp powerful movement. Chanel your inner Lu Xiaojun
Post loads to comments.
Power Clean e2/6
5 Rounds For Max Reps of:
:40 Slam Ball 30/20/15
:20 Rest
:40 Hand Release Push-Ups
:20 Rest
:40 Sit-Ups
:20 Rest
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
Heisenberg from “Fight Gone Breaking Bad”
Back to our normally scheduled programming
Classes will resume at noon today and continue as normally scheduled moving forward. We hope that “Sandy’s” effects were minimal on the CFSBK community. Our thoughts are with those who suffered property damage, injury or worse during the storm.
No Active Recovery or Competition Class tonight
Due to expected large classes this evening we’ll be running regular programming only. Come on in to clean and WOD!