Workout of the Day
Hang Snatch
Perform either a hang squat or power snatch working up through seven singles. Goal is to add a little weight to the bar each work set. Move fast!
Alternating Rep Rounds for Time of:
24-16-8 reps
Dumbbell Deadlifts
6-4-2 reps
Wall walks
This is a quick workout (3-4 minutes) and should be performed unbroken!
DB Deadlifts 50s/35s/20s
Go partial ROM to modify the wall walks
3 sets of 15-20 Reps
DB Pull Overs
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Some calisthenics fun with wall walks and self-assisted chin-ups
Demo of Today’s Metcon
Here are coaches Erick and David getting after today’s metcon. They performed the workout using 50lb DBs and both finished in 3:06