EMOTM for 10 minutes
Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat (1+1+1)
EMOTM for 10 minutes
2 Squat Cleans
Front Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs to last week’s exposure weight.
Performance Heavy 2
Attempt to best last week’s triples by 5-10lbs.
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Clean/FSQ e2/6
If you DID the Saturday Wall Ball WOD and your legs are smoked, perform:
3 minutes each side either Couch Stretch or Foam Roller Quad Mash
If you did NOT do the Saturday WOD then perform:
3 Rounds Not For Time:
270 run/300m Row
20 Dumbbell Thusters
Choose a weight you can go unbroken for at least the first round.
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CFSBKers carrying sandbags during the CMC
- Team CFSBK is playing team Tumblr today at 3:00pm in soccer. CFSBK is way more culturally relvant than tumblr so an epic win is just about a lock.
Good luck, Jake and Brandon!
CFSBK wishes the best of luck to Jake L and Brandon R who are competing in the Rudy Sablo Memorial Weightlifting Open in Garden City today. Jake L is attempting to qualify for nationals in the 207lb weight class. His current PRs are a 270 Snatch and 323 Clean and Jerk, he’ll need to hit 275 and 335 in order to qualify. Brandon is also hoping to hit some qualifying numbers. His current PRs are a 202.4 Snatch and 242 Clean and Jerk.
Best of luck, fellas. CFSBK is rooting for you!
This is what it looks like when you strap a GoPro onto an Eagle flying through the French Alps
A different kind of CSA. Community Supported… Art