Workout of the Day
Romanian Deadlift
Perform one empty barbell then 4 total progressive sets on the RDL. Use weights as heavy or potentially heavier than you would perform deadlifts with for 8s.The bar will be taken out of the rack and we recommend a switch grip on the latter two sets so that grip strength is less of an issue. Only go as low as you can low/heavy as you can maintain back extension.
EMOM 3 Rounds
A: Kipping Toes to Bars
B: Box Jump Overs
C: Push-Ups
D: Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 75/55/35
E: Rest
Each minute, perform AMRAP on each movement. Choose a version of each exercise that will get you somewhere around 15-25 reps per movement per round.
Toes to Bars
Do not rip your hands. 1:00 is a long time to be doing T2Bs so pick a number you’re happy with and try to be consistent across three rounds. For example you might want to do 15 reps each round, and perform a set of 10, then rest for about :30 and then another set of 5 each round.
Additional options:
Partial ROM T2Bs
Knees to Elbows
Supine leg raises + hip lifts
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/8)
Congrats to Ashley M on her 3:20:22 Chicago Marathon performance. That’s a 7:38 average mile pace for 26.2 miles. This was an 11 minute PR for her and she qualified for the Boston Marathon as well. Incredible!
Things be happening!
Free online nutrition seminar this Wednesday at 12pm
Can good nutrition exist without food rules? Yes, but the truth is, to eat a little healthier we need to chill out around food. In this lunchtime webinar, we’ll discuss what nutrition looks like outside of the lens of restriction, differentiate between gentle nutrition and diet culture’s version of nutrition, put nutrition’s impact on health into perspective and introduce a new framework for thinking about healthy eating.
When: Wednesday, October 11th at noon.
Register in advance here.
New hoodies available for pre-order
New DRIP. Check out these Tie Dye Hoodies available for preorder until Monday. If you don’t preorder, you won’t get one!
Fight Gone Bad volunteers needed
We need volunteers from 9-12pm that can help enter scores for Fight Gone Bad! Please let us know if you can help out for a full or partial shift! Also are you interested in being an MC while the main MC Katie Harper warms up and does FGB? Roughly from 945-1045. email crossfitsbk @ if you can help