Performance: 5/3/1 “5 Week”
65%x5, 75%x5, 85×5+
Never done a 5/3/1 progression before? Click here for the details
Fitness: 2×10
Linear Progression
Start light with adding weight each week in mind, around 80% of your best 3×5 from last cycle.
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ e1/6
For Time:
30 Wall Ball Shots, 20/10, 14/9
30 Double Unders
20 Wall Ball Shots
40 Double Unders
10 Wall Ball Shots
50 Double Unders
There is a 10 Minute cap on this workout
Post time and Rx to comments.
LFPBC, Scale Weight, and Impatience
By Chris Fox
I wanted to share an email I received from one of the LFPBC participants, as I’m pretty sure a few of you may be in a similar boat. (Note – The name is removed, and the person has given permission to use the exchange in this here)
“Week one of this challenge I was down 6lbs, week 2, down 2 lbs, week 3 up 1lb, on Weds I was back down 1lb. In 4 weeks I’m down 8lbs total – I’ve stayed entirely clean and strict; no sugar, dairy, gluten or alcohol. I’ve tacked rowing work onto the end of gym sessions to try to build some endurance and stamina – but my weight is hovering around XXX lbs. Your “thriving not surviving” comment resonated. I could just not eat for 3-4 days and that might reduce the lbs – but that doesn’t seem like a particularly rigorous or sustainable approach.
Any tips or hints or am I just heavy boned! (My waist has gone down nearly 2 inches – but weight hasn’t followed)
Thanks for your time,
I won’t post the entire exchange but here are a few of my thoughts on this type of situation
This is amazing progress! Averaging a loss of 2 lbs a week is pretty fantastic, in my opinion. If this person continued in this fashion they would net a loss of over 50 lbs in a year. 50 lbs!
The path of weight loss and body recomposition is never nice and linear. Similarly to the gains you make in the squat, some weeks you move ahead by leaps and some weeks you feel like the warm ups are crushing you.
Adding in extra “cardio” can be helpful, but it can also be harmful. If you add extra stress to an already calorie depleted metabolism your body will do it’s best to conserve energy and you may have a harder time burning fat. A more helpful approach might be to add in some low stress extra activity on off days from the gym. Something like an easy long walk, or a quick tabata burpee workout can keep your metabolism up without much stress.
This last part is based on a previous exchange with the above individual, but be sure to keep your protein intake consistent. Aim for no less than .8 grams per lb of lean body mass, ideally from real foods. Upward of 2 grams is common, however, your body cannot process huge amounts at a time. In other words, a huge prime rib, although satisfying on many levels, may not be fully absorbed by your body. This depends on how large a frame you have, your activity level, what else you have with the meal, and some other factors. Mark’s Daily Apple has a good write up about it here, and Precision Nutrition has another here. All of the research seems to suggest that spreading out your protein intake among multiple meals is the best way to go. Start with 20-30 grams at breakfast and go from there.
Lastly, pay attention to markers other than a scale when measuring progress. Weighing yourself regularly can be a great way to monitor success in either losing fat, gaining muscle, or in maintaining. For some people it can make them neurotic. I’ve personally noticed weight fluctuations of 5 lbs from one day top the next. This is due to factors like carb/salt binges, resultant fluid retention, and simple volume of food consumed. Weight may go up or down a few pounds every week or so but over the long haul other markers like photos, girth measurements, and the fit of your clothing can provide great feedback as well.
CFSBK Community Potluck and LFPB Awards Ceremony on 2/22
Don’t forget that we’ll be hosting a second Gym potluck on Saturday, February 22nd where we’ll be announcing the winners of the challenge as well as talk about how to transition out of the challenge. This event is open to the entire community, even folks who didn’t do the challenge. We’ll also have our Farmers from Herondale and Sol Flower farm there to introducce themselves and answer any questions about the CSAs we host. If you’d like to come, please RSVP in the event page!