Workout of the Day
AMRAP 18 Min
24/20/16 Cal Row
18/14/10 Cal Bike
270m Run
1:00 Weighted Forearm Plank
Intent 3+ Rounds. Adjust rep schemes on the row and bike such that they are sub 2 min efforts.
Scale to an unweighted plank if you cannot hold for a minute straight under fatigue. Scale up option = 30 sec unbroken L-Sit.
A1. Sumo Deadlift 4×5, Building
A2. DB Strict press 3×10
If you were here in week 2, refer back to your sumo deadlift loads and see if you can beat those numbers today.
Superset back and forth between the movements. Work up to something that feels like an RPE 8/10 or more for both lifts by the third set!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/8)
Tate the great hitting a power clean while keeping to club dress code
CFSBK Dogs wanted for next Pupstarz Rescue/CFSBK Calendar
Would you like your dog to be featured in the 2025 CFSBK x Pupstarz calendar? Please take a high resolution and stylish picture of your pup at the gym and email to charlie@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.