Workout of the Day
Every 3 min x 7 rounds
8 Chest to Bar Kipping Pullups
8 Push Press
400m Bike (.25 miles)
The intent of this workout is to build our gymnastic capacity and barbell cycling under moderate fatigue.
Each round should take no longer than 1:40, so scale the volume, load, and/or movement as needed. Athletes who finish well under 1:30 may choose to scale up on any or all movements.
The push press should be heavy enough that it’s a challenge for you to do 8 reps unbroken. Work on cycling the barbell efficiently from rep to rep and showing clear control at the top of each.
Pull Up Scaling:
A. Rx+ = 3-5 Bar Muscle Ups (if you can do 10+ CTB unbroken)
B. 8 kipping CTB (if you can do 8 in 1-2 sets consistently)
C. 8 kipping pull ups (if possible, fight for a few CTB reps at the start of each round!)
D. 8 jumping CTB pull ups
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/8)
Steph, Cidney and Ashley tearing it up on the worm for the competition this weekend. LETS GOOO LADIESSSS
How to watch them compete!
The Loud and Live YouTube channel is streaming Wodapalooza. Here’s the schedule. Steph Cid and Ash are team “3 Girls 1 Snatch” 🤣