Workout of the Day
Advanced: Work up to a heavy single on the clean! Not necessarily a 1 RM test, but if you’re fired up and everything’s clicking, take advantage of it.
Intermediate: Find a moderately heavy weight that you can perform several singles at, making each rep as technically proficient as possible.
Beginner: You may opt to do sets of 2 reps instead of singles to get more practice. Keep the loads moderate enough that you can focus on speed, power, and accuracy, rather than being concerned if you’ll make the lift or not.
It’s heavy single day! Visualize, Commit, Execute!
1. Visualize: Take a moment or two before each lift to visualize your success. Be specific. See yourself make the lift. Feel what it’s like to have a successful rep.
2. Commit: When you walk up to the bar, commit yourself to the lift completely. If you’re doubting yourself before you even start, it’s worth spending a moment to change your mind, otherwise you’re just getting in your own way. #BELIEVE
3. Execute: Do the thing! Don’t overthink it.
For Time
530m Run
21 DB Front Squat @ 50/35/20# ea hand
400m Run
15 DB Front Squat
270m Run
9 DB Front Squat
Choose a relatively heavy DB weight that will be a grind for you, such that you most likely need to break up the round of 21 reps.
Run Volume Modification: 400/270/130m – choose this option if a comfortable 400m run for you takes longer than 2:30.
Bike Sub: 1500/1200/900m
Row Sub: same as run
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/8)
The scene at the Queer Trans Strength “Strength and Pride” Powerlifting event last weekend
This Saturday we’ll be running “Stonewall” to end pride month. We wrote this commemorative workout in 2013 and made it our official pride workout that we perform on the last weekend of June since 2018. This is a FREE event and can be found under the EVENTS tab in your Zen Planner membership app. Drop ins are also available at this link. We ask that everyone donate to our benefactors using this Zen Planner link (add as many donations as you’d like!) and dress in your most colorful get up!!