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Accessory work
Renegade Rows 3x10e
GHD Russian Twist 3x12e
Bjorn and Sal work their chesticles.
CrossFit Mom
Jon Gilson interviews Greg Everett AgainFaster
(thanks jeremy)
Established 2007
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Accessory work
Renegade Rows 3x10e
GHD Russian Twist 3x12e
Bjorn and Sal work their chesticles.
CrossFit Mom
Jon Gilson interviews Greg Everett AgainFaster
(thanks jeremy)
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Accessory work
Barbell Row 3×8
Row 500m, 3 attempts
Play around with some Heavy (for you) Kettlebell swings.
Post WOD Foundations crew.
Laura, Cynthia, Shannon, Matt, Aaron, Steve, Matt and Lavall
Cynthia from Foundations is going to order a speed rope for personal use and wanted to know if anyone else wanted in on the order. Jump ropes are economic, travel well and require regular practice.
Check out the details HERE and leave a comment if you'd like to place an order.
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In this workout you and your partner must cumulatively complete the prescribed reps. Only one person may be working at any given time.
75 Med Ball Tosses
150 Box Jumps
150 Knee To Elbows
150 Walking Lunges
150 Sit-Ups
75 Med Ball Tosses
Post time, partner and strategy to comments.
Accessory work
Stretch/Foam Roll
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Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings
Post rounds completed to comments.
Accessory work
Mobility Drills
Steve Burton Daniel Photography at CFSBK
Some classic journalism for the newbies:
God's Workout New York Times
Getting Fit, Even if it Kills You New York Times
High School Girls' Weightlifting New York Time (video)
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Accessory work
Mid-Hang Muscle Clean
Tall Cleans
The white towels by the dry erase boards are to be used for wiping down sweaty equipment. Abmats, stretching mats, benches and anything else you leave a puddle on should be cleaned up immediately after you're done. These towels are Not for personal use and should be put in the green bin when you're done. Please bring your own towel if you'd like to wipe yourself down after a workout.
5 Foam Rolling Exercises Kinetic Fitness
How it's made – Bacon