Workout of the Day
3-5 Rounds for Quality
2 Wall Walks, each with :10 hold at top
:40 Single Arm KB farmer’s carry
8-12 DB Kang Squats
Every 3:00 x 6 Sets
A: 3-6 Touch-and-Go Deadlifts
B: 6-9+ Handstand Push-Ups
C: Rest
Work through the EMOM focusing on a challenging strength effort on both exercises. You may add weight/difficulty through the EMOM as desired/able.
HSPU Options
Box Piked
9-12 DB Presses
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/9)
Coach David using the new leaf blower to push out all the bad air.
Note on Air Quality
Unless you’re a hermit and get all of your world news from this blog, you know all about the air quality issues in NYC right now. We plan on staying open for all who want to come out however are adjusting the programming Thursday/Friday to be a bit less cardio respiratory taxing. Will this help? Honestly we don’t know but it can’t hurt. Stay safe out there.