Time to get back on the wagon.
Going Primal in 2011
CFSBK wants you to start your new year right and what better way to kick off the new year than with a Paleo Challenge and Potluck?! Here are the details:
SBK Community Paleo Potluck
When: January 15th at 6pm
What: Eat some good food, chat with old friends and meet some new ones! This is a great opportunity to share recipes, talk nutrition and recovery strategies for the new year and have some fun while doing it!
RSVP: Please email info(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to confirm that you'll come, also, please let us know what you'd like to bring so we can coordinate dishes.
2 Month Paleo Challenge
What: Clean up your nutrition and sleep habits for 2 months.
Prizes: Participants in the challenge may choose to submit a "before" photo by January 5th which will be compared to an "after" photo at the end of February. The top male and female will win 2 months of comped training at CrossFit South Brooklyn. Please submit photos (profile and head on views, bathing suit or reasonably tight fitting garments) to info(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
For those who are eating strict paleo, are predominantly paleo or just joined us for one of our past challenges what have been your experiences? Notice any changes in performance or energy levels? What about metrics like body composition or blood work?
How was the transition from your previous eating habits to your new-fangled regimen? What were your most successful strategies that allowed you to eat like our paleolithic ancestors?
Mommy, what's Paleo? RobbWolf.com
What does eating Paleo really mean? EverydayPaleo.com