Perform 3 sets of the following complex for a maximal weight.
6 Deadlifts
3 Mid Hang Power Cleans
1 Push Jerk
You have 5 attempts to find a best complex. The bar may be dropped from overhead after the jerk but must be regripped and pulled shortly after it settles.
Post 5 attempts to comments.
Compare to 6.27.10 and 4.29.10
"Johnny Pulled a Pistol on Santa"
Going to the Chapel and They're Gonna Get Married!
Congratulations to Brooklyn Tri-Club members and CFSBK badasses Amy L. and Greg H. on their engagement!
Goals, Goals, Goals!
2011 is a couple of days away and we want you to have your fittest year yet! Whether you've been Crossfitting for years or even just a few weeks it's of the utmost importance to set specific and measurable short-term and long-term fitness goals.
So sit down and give some real thought to what you want to achieve inside or outside the gym next year. Do you want to compete in a Crossfit competition? Adopt a strict paleo for diet for two months? Run your first marathon? Put on a singlet and push some heavy weight in a powerlifting meet or an olympic lifting meet? Get your first strict pull-up?
Whatever your goal is, take some time to write it down, post it on the blog and think of two or three actions you can take immediately to make that goal an achievement in the new year. We'll do our best to help you succeed!
We'll be asking on Friday's blog post for your goals and the two or three immediate actions you'll take to get you on your way.
The 60 Days of Paleo
No matter what your fitness goal is proper nutrition is key to getting you there. So why not start the New Year off right eating like your paleolithic ancestors?
We've got not 1 but 2 great chances to feel and perform better:
2 Month Paleo Challenge
That's right 2 Months (January 1-February 28) of eating and sleeping like a Caveperson! Remember to submit your "before" photo no later than January 5th as it will be used to compare with your "after" photo at the end of February.
The top male and female will receieve 2 MONTHS of comped training at CrossFit South Brooklyn. Please sumbit photos (Profile, and head-on views in bathing suit or reasonably tight fitting garments) to info(at) before 1/5/11.
We've got all the details of the challenge, the prizes and a slew of resources to help you along the way. Check it out HERE!!
SBK Community Paleo Potluck
Come eat some great food, chat with old friends and meet some new ones! This is a great opportunity to share recipes, talk nutrition and recovery strategies for the new year and have some fun while doing it!
Please email info(at) to RSVP, also, please let us know what you'd like to bring so we can coordinate dishes.
Before & After The Crossfit Gamer