Workout of the Day
LEVEL 1 & 2
Back Squat
Today we’ll work up to a heavy single on the back squat. If you’ve been training less than a year consistently, go for a heavy single, that means something that’s probably* heavier than any weight you’ve hit before, but not necessarily a maximal effort set. Above all, prioritize full range of motion and control during the lift. Seasoned lifters who are feeling good today should attempt to match or beat a 1RM.
Take 3+ minutes of rest between heavier sets and really stay focused on what you’re doing, squatting heavy.
We will do a spotting review in class today prior to the lifting segment.
2 Rounds of:
5 Tabata intervals of Wall Ball Shots
5 Tabata intervals of Double Unders
Rest 3:00
On your first exercise, perform :20 of work followed by :10 of rest for 5 intervals. After your 5th round, use the :10 rest to switch to the second exercise and perform the same sequence for another 5 intervals. Rest 3:00 then repeat one more time. Use a medball weight and height that will allow you to move for the 5 sets of :20, this may mean going a little lighter or lower than normal if needed. Jump Rope can be singles or doubles.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK9/9)
Ally’s picture perfect top of the kettlebell swing.