(E1/4) Find a heavy triple with perfect form*
*Technical breakdown will be considered a missed lift.
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Compare to 9.20.10 and 9.6.10
3 Rounds for time of:
7 Pull-ups
14 Box Jumps
21 Sit-ups
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And We're Off!
Today begins our first Strength Cycle of 2011!
Remember our three main movements will be:
Pull Variant-Deadlift (Monday)
Squat Variant-Overhead Squat (Wednesday/Saturday)
Upper Body Variant-Bench Press (Thursday)
See you in the gym!
PDF of Tim Ferriss' Slow-Carb Cookbook (Tons of paleo/or easy make paleo recipes) RobbWolf.com
A Healthy Body and Mind in 2011: A Plan of Attack MarksDailyApple.com