Clean and Jerk
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 10:
Clean + Jerk
Use the first few sets to build, with the goal of making a few reps at a heavy weight before dropping for the final 2 reps to finish on a few at a lower percentage.
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 10:
1 Clean Deadlift (3 seconds down) + 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk
If you’re newer to the lifts, then choose the Fitness option and work on pulling strength from the floor. Use the first few sets to build, with the goal of making a few reps at a medium-heavy weight before dropping weight for the final 2 reps to finish on a few perfect reps.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
7 Toes-to-Bars
14 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches 50/35
21 Double-Unders
The intention is to set a fast pace and try to hold throughout. Sub Hanging Leg or Knee Raises for Toes-to-Bars, dumbbell load, and 2x Single-Unders as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
What is this funny looking implement that Paul is hoisting in Strong Fit? Find out at the CrossFit Strongman Specialty Course we’re hosting on August 26th! (Or just go to Strong Fit this Saturday at 8am) | Photo by Thomas H.
Save the Date: CFSBK Potluck in the Park!
Celebrate mid-summer with your CFSBK buds. On Saturday, July 21st, we will be hosting a potluck at Prospect Park. Come lounge on the grass, throw some frisbee, toss the ol’ pigskin, and hang out with your gym buds. What better way to spend a Saturday?
We’ll be on the hill south of the Picnic House from 2pm on. Bring a dish, drink, or game to play. Friends, family, and dogs are welcomed, as always. We can’t wait to see you there!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Squat / DB Row | NFT Work
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Depression and Training Starting Strength