21-15-9 Reps of:
Double Unders
Weighted Sit-Ups
Additional work:
Turkish Get Ups
Why you should Olympic Lift
by Jim Wendler
Established 2007
Posted on
21-15-9 Reps of:
Double Unders
Weighted Sit-Ups
Additional work:
Turkish Get Ups
Why you should Olympic Lift
by Jim Wendler
Posted on
30-20-10 reps of:
Knee to Elbows
Box Jumps
Post Time and Experience to Comments.
Plyo Boxes.
If anyone has the resources to construct a few 20" Plyo boxes, or knows someone that does, please tell us! We will pay for the materials and can exchange labor for money or training. Email or tell us in person.
Coach Allison is in California at the new Gymnastics Cert. Everyone should look forward to having her share what she learned when she returns on Wednesday! Also, please welcome Cleiser back from her month long trip to Cuba!
Posted on
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Check out This demo of the Push Jerk!
Look for:
1. Her hip opening up completely before the second dip.
2. She pushes herself underneath the bar and locks out her arms after the initial drive up.
3. Her minimal change in foot positioning
Post weights to comments
The new cycle of Foundations did a great job on their first class. Please remember to do your homework and read the "What is Fitness?" article. We will review it next class.
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Posted on
Remember that we will not be meeting tomorrow for the holiday! Enjoy the extra Sleep
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Just a reminder that we will NOT be holding any classes this Sunday, March 23rd for the holiday. Saturday’s 1015am group class is on as regularly scheduled.
Beginner’s Group Classes
Starting this Monday (3/24) we will be holding Beginner Group Classes at 6pm on Mondays and 11am on Sundays.
Foundations Program
The dates for this cycle of the Foundations progam are: 3/26, 4/2, 4/9, 4/16, 4/23, and 4/30. Classes will be held every Wednesday night from 545-7pm. There are only 2 slots left! Email me for more information and to register!
Group Classes
The CF Group class schedule is:
M: 7pm
W: 7pm
Sa: 10:15am
Su: 12pm
Group classes are still open enrollment however we will be closing them as more Beginner’s classes are added. Please try to come to a Beginners Group class or sign up for Foundations if you’re not experienced with the majority of CrossFit movements and Benchmark Girls.
Class descriptions can be found under the "Class Options, Schedule and Pricing" link located under the Getting Started tab on the left hand column.
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Good luck to Jeremy on his next round of interviews for the Santa Monica Police Department!!
(Despite the fact that we all want him to stay in BK)
World’s Strongest Girl!
Posted on
3 Rounds For Time of:
25 Box Jumps 26"
25 Dumbbell Burpees (10, 20, or 30lbs)
25 (r1) Sandbag Jump Squats (r2) Jump Squats (r3) Squats
Compare to WOD 2.03.08
Thanks to Coach P. from the Black Box and everyone else for coming out to our first Monday night class!
Posted on
30 Clean and Jerks for time
135, 85 or an otherwise appropriate weight.
Beginners who were not confident with the clean and jerk worked on the movement with a PVC and light weight. Technique before intensity.
After class we had "open training" for an hour so the athletes could work on whatever skills they wanted to develop.
Remember that tomorrow night is our first Monday night class at 7pm. All are welcome to attend free of charge!
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