For time:
Row 1000 meters
45lb Thruster, 50 reps
Pull-ups, 30 reps
Post time to comments.
Accessory Work
3 Rounds NFT of:
10 Medball Cleans
10 Knee To Elbows
Mobility wk 4
Journaling is an essential part of your training.
Without a record of what you've done, strategizing WODs becomes a guessing game. Your log shouldn't just include the workout, your weights and/or a time. Here are some ideas for better journaling:
+ Track your rep schemes for better "gaming" in future WODs.
+ Keep notes on your reflections post WOD. Did you go too hard in the beginning and gas out? Did you sandbag on one movement? Were you on 2 hours of sleep and hung over?
+ Look forward. Set a goal for yourself next time you meet the workout.
+ Was mobility or muscular imbalance an issue for you on any of the movements? This can help make your accessory work more productive. Attack your weaknesses.
Here is an example:
"Fran" as rx'd 8:56
Thrusters 10-5-3-1-1-1/5-5-3-2/3-3-3
Pull-ups 18-3/10-5/3-3-2-1
"Hard workout, First 10 Thrusters unbroken wrecked me and slowed down my first round. Try 6-5-5-5 next time. Pull-ups weren't too bad, try to do the first and second rounds unbroken. Aim for sub 8:30 next time. It's hard to finish the top ROM with thrusters, better shoulder warm-up and mobility before i hit this again."
Journals are available for $1 at the front desk.
Thanks for posting this… I’ve been wondering what to write in my journal besides just times and weights and stuff cause I see people writing ALOT. Now I know.
Jackie was fun. 14:46 with the blue band. Pull ups at the end were killer. Thanks Dan for the threatening and Shannon for the cheering.
GO TEAM SOUTH BROOKLYN at Hoboken today!!!! Wish we coulda been there to cheer. And towel. 🙂
Dying to know how it went down, anybody?
We did quite well, I thought. Dan was injured, otherwise if he was able to get the thrusters unbroken, we would have killed it. But his shoulder was acting up so he had to pause during the thrusters. Charmel pulled a PR 225 lb push jerk. Margie ruled with 28 OHS at 65 lbs. Erik put in a solid 1:40 or so on the row, but he was hampered by losing his seat, so he could probably have gotten 1:35 or so.
The team event went well. We had surmised that DUs would be done quickest, which was wrong. We came up with a fairly complex strategy which turned out to be not so necessary. Simply tagging each other in/out of various tasks worked out very well. Brandy killed the wallball. She did pretty much all of them. We could have done a little better if we had the burpees and DLs closer to the pullups, which would have led to better communication among the people whose strengths were in those areas, but overall still fairly good. For the final event we scored 21-something.
I was really happy with how we divided up the individual events, as well as how we communicated during the main event. We all (within SBK) thought the main event should have been worth more points.
Results: 1 pt, awarded for 3rd place in the team event. 4th place overall.
Looking forward to yet another 100 pullups tomorrow.
Well boys and girls, it’s not if you win or lose, but how you play the game, and we had some people really bring it today.In the end, finished with only 1 point (from the main event), but that really doesn’t tell the story at all.
First of all, Margie started with 28 freaking overhead squats. It was incredible to behold.Then Dan and Sameer really did an amazing tag team fran. Sameer really owns pull-ups, I had no idea and as quick as can be. Also, Dan really gave a great performance with the trusters. He’d probably disagree, as his shoulder slowed him slightly towards the later reps, but he’d be wrong. That duo rocked.On the 500m row, I fell off the chair, yelled a profanity, as is my nature, and finished with a 140. It wasn’t great. The hoboken team had some wunderkind who finished with something under 1:20.Then Charmel really kicked ass with the push-jerks and set a new PR. That guy is just strong.
During the group competition, it was just awesome.Brandy is freaking amazing. I think she did 90% of our wall-balls. When she says she has them for breakfast, she really isn’t kidding. I’m still in shock, although the poor girl is probably going to have a problem with stairs for the next few days.During the wod there was a lot of rotation, never really any rest and everyone seemed to gravitate towards their strength stations which really worked well.Dan was great, really rotating between every station. He was kind of the glue, and in blue jeans, but that’s another story.Did I mention that Charmel is strong? Always in rotation, really kicking ass.And Margie was our team captain, she was everywhere, I never knew what station she’d be attacking next, but she was always on the attack. It was simply a cool scene.
So, it was an amazing team effort, everyone going at all times. Where the rules say one person rests at all times, that was really misleading, no one ever rested. You had about 10 seconds before the next person needed a sub, so you’d go to fill that void.So for the main event, we finished 3rd, a minute behind Hoboken and a bit ahead of Harlem.NYC killed in the main event, but Hoboken won the overall.
Seriously, although we didn’t win, it was a great time. I was really proud to be a part of this team and really thought everyone gave a great showing. It was an awesome experience.
Great work guys. Sounds like it was a lot of fun. GOOD JOB BRANDY!
I’ve never heard of Cross Fit Harlem? Does anyone have any information on them?
Awesome performance guys!
WOD in 17:something
11:52 as rxed.
was a pretty fun wod.