Workout of the Day
3-4 Rounds for Quality of:
10e 1/2 kneeling Palloff Presses
5 High Hang Muscle Snatches + 5 Pause OHS
10-15 DB Bent Over Rows
5 Rounds for time of:
15 Hang Power Snatches
15 Burpees
The hang power snatch should be on the lighter end, something you can do the early sets in 1-2 and the later rounds in no more than 3 sets.
HPS: +/75/65/45
If you’re really sore from Murph still you can remove the push-up from the burpee.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/9)
Maria H doing a noir version of Murph.
Guest Pilates Instructor in July: Renee C
Our Pilates instructor Frank H will be away some of this month so on June 4th, 11th and 18th we will have special guest instructor and fellow CFSBKer Renee Chen filling in! Check out Renee’s bio and drop into a pilates class this month!!!
Renee discovered Pilates in her previous sitting-all-day-with-back-pain life. Pilates helped her manage chronic pain and improved posture, so much that she actually quit Wall Street for Pilates. She completed her 600-hour comprehensive Classical Pilates certification through Real Pilates, and has been teaching at their Tribeca location. She came to CFSBK following (or being forced by) her husband, and has enjoyed being part of the community very much. She’s excited to share her Pilates practice at CFSBK and hopes to see you on the floor!