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compare to 10.25.08
Accessory work
3 Rounds NFT
Windmill 15 Reps each
Max Ring Support/L-sit
Mobility Wk2
Medballs make great targets for keeping sit-up ROM consistent.
Established 2007
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compare to 10.25.08
Accessory work
3 Rounds NFT
Windmill 15 Reps each
Max Ring Support/L-sit
Mobility Wk2
Medballs make great targets for keeping sit-up ROM consistent.
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Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.
Accessory work
Foam Roll
Mobility Wk2
Pat Sherwood on "The Idiot Suit" CrossFit Again Faster
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compare to 8.23.08, 8.8.08
Accessory work
Turkish Get-Up 2-2-2
Mobility Wk2
Amy displays a solid set-up position for Wall-Ball. The medicine ball is tight to her chest, her fingers and eyes are pointed towards her target and she's set in her strength stance.
Using a medicine ball for squat depth is acceptable for Wall Ball, high rep air squats and learning progressions. We don't prefer to use them for Thrusters, especially with intermediate and advanced athletes. Targets are never used on Back, Front and Overhead Squats.
Everyone should strive to develop a distinct feel for what depth is appropriate (safe) for them. For some, 14" will be too high while for others, it may be too low. At the end of the day, we all know squatting to med balls is easier than not, so use them sparingly.
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Travelers are always welcome at CFSBK. Dominic here isn't a CrossFitter but he needed a place to Deadlift and do some kettlebell swings while in NY. Patronizing a globo gym was out of the question, he needed a serious training facility. SBK to the rescue.
How was everyone's Thanksgiving?
Sports Architecture archdaily
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5 Rounds for max reps of
Bodyweight bench press (e.g., same amount on bar as you weigh)
There is no time component to this WOD.
Post reps to comments.
compare to 9.1.08
CrossFit rarely asks for maxes. This workout does and expects that there is no “gaming” the workout. At Brand X I tell people I want to see you falling off the pull up bar. People whose score looks like
are going for a number and not a max. Test your limits today.
-Brand X
Accessory Work
Mobility Week 2
Hip extensions 3×15
Sunday morning at CrossFit South Brooklyn
CFNYC is moving this weekend and we're lucky enough to have inherited their flooring. (Thanks Mike) We're either going to use it to pad below our current flooring for enhanced noise insulation or we'll round out the matted area we have now. If anyone wants to help us with the move Saturday afternoon after class it would be much appreciated. Please post in the comments section if you're interested!
The last word? I doubt it. Physical Subculture
we get a nice tip-o-the hat in this post.
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Accessory Work
Tall Clean + Mid Hang Squat Clean Technique complex
Strict Chin ups 3×12
Mobility Wk1 DIY
Grant and David M. swing the 1.5 Poods
Grain Pain Mark's Daily Apple
Off the Plane and Wondering what 'it' is Physical Subculture
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Posted on
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compare to 7.6.08
Accessory work
Russian Toss Fights, 3 Rounds
Mobility Wk1 DIY
Team Queens. Brandy and Juliana
Strength Feat Compilation YouTube
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Mobility Week 1
Once you have gone through this week's mobility moves twice with a coach it is your responsibility to perform the posted reps on your own either before or after class. These movements can also be done at home and require no prior warm-up. This week's evercises are: Cat/Cow, T-Twists and Side Twists. Week one has an emphasis on "Spinal Flossing" which describes movements that increase neural function of the spine by freeing impinged nerves. Remember that we're not looking for a lot of mobility in the spine so go easy on the end ranges of motion. It should not feel like an intense stretch.
Dr. Loren Cordain's intro lecture on the Paleo Diet
Part 1
Part 2
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4 Rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell Clean Box Jumps
20 Double Unders
30 Two arm Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings
Post time to comments.
Accessory Work
Mobility W1: Spinal Flossing
L-Sit- 3 attempts at max hold on the paralettes
Congratulations to Nicole on her first pull-up yesterday!
Play ball in Puerto Rico!
February 12 – 15th, 2009
Wood Bat baseball tournament in Puerto Rico
Brian Scott is the manager of the NY Baseball Giants. They are a 25 and
over hardball team based in Queens and are putting together a tournament
team to go and compete in Puerto Rico.
Brian is looking for players to round out the roster. For more information
go to:
Talk to Brian in class!