Happy Birthday Max K!
CF Total on Sunday!
We are not running our usual group class schedule on Sunday, December 11th so we can hold a CrossFit Total! The Total is a CrossFit style Powerlifting meet in which each athlete will have 3 attempts to find a 1-rep max in the Squat, Press and Deadlift. Instead of coming to one of our regular classes you will come in for one of the 3 following slots:
Block 1: 9:00AM-10:30AM
Block 2: 10:30PM-12PM
Block 3: 12:00PM-1:30PM
Please arrive 15-20 minutes before your slot to complete whatever DIY warm-up you’d like so that we can promptly start with the movement standards and warm-up sets right at the designated time. In the interest of efficiency please come in with an idea of where you’d like to open each lift and what warm-up weights you intened to use to get there. You can use this 1RM calculator to help give you an idea of what to shoot for. Just make sure to add a few pounds since we’ve been doing 3×5 instead of 1×5.
Yeah buddyyyyyy!!!
Skills Class: The Muscle Up
If you’ve been coming to the gym a lot, I bet you’ve noticed those round things hanging from the ceiling. Aside from making very mediocre frisbees, the rings can be used for one of the most coveted and elusive Crossfit movements- The Muscle Up. Combining all of the hardest parts of a pullup, a ring dip, and a barroom headbutt, the Muscle Up is a skill that can take a long time to learn on your own, but with careful practice and coaching can realistically be achieved in a fairly short time period. Our own Coach Noah, born to the unholy union of a chainsmoking Russian gymnastics coach and his lovely Chimpanzee bride Jenny Bananas, will be running a Skills Class devoted to learning, practicing, and developing the Muscle Up this Saturday the 10th at 1:30 PM. Space is limited to 8 participants, and those interested should sign up at the gym (there will be a sign up sheet on the Bulletin Board.) There is a $10 fee for the class and a strict buy in of 3 Unbroken Chest To Bar Pullups and 3 Ring Dips.
Rowing Workshops with Coach Nick!
Coach Nick will lead three rowing workshops over the next several weeks, each with a different technical focus, and all ending with a workout. The first workshop will be this Sunday, December 11th at 1pm. The one-hour session will drill the part of the stroke that bedevils CrossFitters the most: the recovery. Find out why a good recovery is important to proper setup at the catch – and therefore for an effective stroke – and how to get on the road to an efficient rowing style.
Also, Nick will train a group of CFSBK athletes for CRASH-Bs, the premier indoor rowing event. CRASH-Bs will be held on Sunday, February 19th, in Boston. If you’re interested joining this group, shoot Nick an email at nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com. Registration isn’t open yet, but we’ll keep you posted.
You do not have to go to CRASH-Bs to participate in the rowing workshops.
Would you be interested in a Saturday 1PM class?
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