Joy showing us that there’s no rest for the Injured.
Happy Birthday Asta F.!
Happy Belated Birthday Levi!
Due to the Holiday Weekend, Saturday’s Active Recovery and Sunday’s Teaser Class have been canceled!
Memorial Day Murph is 3 days away…..
2012 CrossFit North East Regionals start today!
Good luck to our Captain David O. this weekend who is at Reebok Headquarters in Canton, MA acting as Competition Director for the North East Regionals! Check out this week’s Regional Preview Video to see who to watch out for.
The Wrong Bin Free Screening
In The Wrong Bin, Emmy nominated filmmaker (and fellow CFSBKer!) Krishnan Vasudevan, exposes the ever-increasing environmental and economical costs New York City incurs when its residents recycle poorly. Since 2002, when the city closed the Fresh Kills landfill and began sending all of its trash out of state, the city’s annual land filling bill has doubled from $600 million to $1.3 billion a year. This amount could be drastically decreased, however, because nearly 36% of the 2 million tons NYC sends to land fills each year is recyclable.
Featuring interviews with experts in the field, The Wrong Bin reveals many issues revolving around the poor recycling habits of NYC residents, the people those bad recycling habits really affect, and why it is necessary for NYC to get better at recycling as a whole.
When: Tonight, Friday at 7pm.
Where: Two Moon Art House and Cafe in Park Slope
For more info and to RSVP click HERE!
How many cups of coffee or tea do you drink a day? How does too much/too little of it affect you?
Guts, What’s Going on Inside Us
Everything You Need to Know About Coffee Precision Nutrition
I’ll Have My Coffee Facts with a Splash of Pictures Please The Oatmeal