AMRAP 5 minutes:
5 Push Press, 155/103
25 Double Unders
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 5 minutes:
5 Box Jumps 30/24″
7 C2B Pull-Ups
Post rounds completed per couplet and Rx to comments.
I wanted to say a special thanks. Carolyn and I (Camilla) got married this past weekend and it was spectacular, partially because of you guys. Almost a year ago, I kicked Carolyn off the couch and into David’s teaser class, and she’s been hooked ever since (notwithstanding the last month or 2 when wedding planning and all sorts of other things have taken over).
Thanks guys (and gals)! You rock! [Also, my wife’s ass is pretty firm now.]
Don’t forget that we gained an hour of sleep last night AND that the Marathon is happening today right on 4th ave. Please make sure you’ve got a plan to get across the street during the race’s peak hours.
Good luck to the following CFSBKers running the Marathon today: Rob U, Darlene M, Anthony H, Jonathan C, Michael R, Fraisier H and Joe M
Just The Two Of Us