Workout of the Day
For Time:
5 Wall Walks
50 Calorie Row
5 Wall Walks
25 Deadlifts
5 Wall Walks
25 Cleans
5 Wall Walks
25 Snatches
5 Wall Walks
50 Calorie Row
Time cap: 20 minutes
♀155-lb deadlift, 85-lb clean, 65-lb snatch
♂225-lb deadlift, 135-lb clean, 95-lb snatch
For many of us, the wall walks will be a tough element of this chipper-style workout. Make sure you understand the standards clearly so you don’t waste any energy on costly no-reps.
Check out this rowing pace chart to help you with your strategy on those 50 cals.
If you are not registered for the Open, today could be a great day to challenge yourself on one or several of the movements.
Or… it could be a good day to employ your scaling options and find a manageable method with which to attack this one and hopefully finish it!
Either way, work hard and make yourself proud.
Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
♀ Scaled wall walks |85, 65, 45 lb
♂ Scaled wall walks | 135, 95, 65 lb
Masters 55+:
♀ Scaled wall walks | 125, 65, 45 lb
♂ Scaled wall walks | 185, 95, 65 lb
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/2)
Anthony and Chimene versus the barbell
A note about classes today
Running two 20 minute heats, plus warm-ups and standards review is going to be tight today. If you’re able to, please come a little early to do a general warm-up. Heres an example:
1:00 Bike or row
10 Barbell/KB or DB Deadlifts
10 Front/Goblet Squats
10 Push-Ups
Any hip or front rack mobility