CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Teens/Preteens: 4:30pm
Today’s Programming
Workout of the Day
Back Squat
80% Rep out
Work up to a heavy but submax single. We are not spotting today so try to keep 1 rep in reserve on these single attempts.
For the rep out, aim to get 5-8+ reps.
If you havent done many of the squat workouts leading up to this single, perform 5-5-5-5 instead.
7:00 AMRAP
49 Double Unders
14ea Singe Arm DB Push Press
Rest 2:00
7:00 AMRAP
49 Double Unders
7ea Single Arm DB Thrusters
JR: The JR shouldn’t take more than around a minute to complete. 49 DU / 30 DU / 50 alt 2 / 75 SU (movement sub: 20 anchored sit-ups)
DB: Try to go heavy on the DB. For the PP You can break the 12e into 7R, 7L, 7R, 7L if you’d like.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
8:00 AMRAP
50 Low Box Runners
12ea Singe Arm DB/KB Push Presses
Rest 2:00
8:00 AMRAP
50 Low Box Runners
10 Goblet Squats
Rest 2:00
8:00 AMRAP
50 Low Box Runners
8ea Single Arm DB/KB Thrusters
*Count one foot for 50 Reps on the low box runners.
Cash Out
2 Rounds on a continuous clock of:
:30 Star Plank (Left)
:30 Forearm Plank
:30 Star Plank (Right)
:30 Reverse Plank Bridge
Bask in the glory of Alona’s Kettlebell Swing
And Play Like a Girl She Did
Vanderbilt’s Sarah Fuller is the first woman to play Power 5 football. She’s been a long time coming. NYT