Workout of the Day
Back Squat
75%x 2 reps x 6 sets
Today’s strength work should not be terribly challenging in terms of load. Try to perform a work set every 90 seconds or so and try to come out of the bottom quickly each rep.
Back Squat
3×8 Across
Perform 3-4 progressive warm-up sets followed by three sets of 8 reps at the same weight. You should feel like you’ve got 2-3 reps in reserve.
FYI, an 8RM is ~75-80% 1RM. Helpful as a reference but this should be be a RM (Rep Max) session. Keep 2-3 reps in reserve and move well.
For Time:
3 Rounds of:
16 Box Step Overs (Single DB)
16 Kipping Pull-Ups
Run 550m
If you have a weighted vest, wear it!
Hit the couplet for three rounds then finish with a hard 550m run (one lap around the block). The couplet should be pretty quick with the step overs performed mostly unbroken and the pull-ups in 1-4 sets per round.
Step Overs: Use a single heavy dumbbell, kettlebell or medicine ball. Carry style is anyhow.
Kipping pull-ups: 16/12/8/ 16 Ring Rows or Jumping Pull-Ups
Run: 550m/400m
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/9)
CFSBK LEGEND Chris A fighting the good fight
Level 1 versus Level 2 Squats
The next 8 weeks of squatting will follow two tracks. Check out the descriptions below to see which one makes the most sense for you. Also note that you will have the option to perform these squats Wednesdays or on Fridays.
Level 2:
% work appropriate for people who have been consistently squatting over 1 year and have attempted 1RMs several times in their training history. The %s you use should be based on a heavy single attempt in the last 6 months. The intent is to work towards a new 1RM
Level 1:
Less than a year of squatting or prefer not to follow %s and hit rep ranges based on feel. This track is better for folks who feel really out of the flow with squatting or who may be less consistent on Wednesadys.
Looks like a crybaby to me.
I’m going to need some memes with this one
You never know who you’ll spot on Google Street Maps…,-73.9780037,3a,75y,40.47h,83.67t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_kNl1UR2BD8L_JvZzYsVcQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
Really fun 10am class today with Lizzy, who is just great. Partnered with Derrick (and made the connection that he’s David’s brother from Strength Cycle!) and got up to 255# on back squat on the doubles. Starting to feel the strength come back a bit with more regular squatting.