Workout of the Day
EMOM 12:00
A: :30 Sled Push
B: :30 Tuck Hang
EMOM 12:00
A: 12 KB Swings
B: :40′ Bear Crawl or :40 handstand walk
With a partner, alternate for 12:00
:30e Single Arm Farmer’s Hold
Air Bike until partner finishes holds
Today’s three EMOMs should be taken at a sustainable aerobic pace. That doesn’t mean easy, but you should be able to stay consistent across each workout.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/9)
Camp Friendship — located at 6th Ave & 8th St. — hosts a food pantry that distributes pantry items and produce every week to 400+ families (including a recent influx of asylum seeking refugees) and homebound seniors in our community. CFSBKer Morgan N reached out to see if we’d like to get involved again this year and we said yes! We’ll be collecting the items below at the gym this week for the food drive, please bring something in!!
We’ll have boxes for you to drop off non-perishable food items at the gym from today until Friday November 18th!
Most Needed Pantry Items:
– Canned Tuna, Chicken
– Rice, Pasta, Tomato Sauce, Boxes of Cereal
– Dried or Canned Beans, Lentils, Shelf stable milk (dairy and non-dairy)
– Canned Veggies, Canned Fruit, Cans of Hearty Soups
– Cooking Oil
Due to the skyrocketing price of turkeys this year, we also need extra funds to make sure our Camp Friendship families have one for their tables. If you would like to make a financial donation, you can do so here: https://secure.
If you have questions about the canned food drive or about Camp Friendship, you can reach me at:
More about Camp Friendship:
When Covid-19 hit and the NYC lockdown ensued, it all started with a single email from community organizer and Camp Friendship Board Member Chris Johnson, seeking volunteers to start a food pantry. On Tuesday, June 2, 2020, Camp Friendship Food Pantry opened its doors for the first time and started giving away fresh produce, pantry bags, and prepared meals. Today, they distribute food weekly to hundreds of recipients, including homebound seniors. Every week approx. 50-60 volunteers, a very diverse and multigenerational group of adults and seniors, high school/college kids, local moms and dads wear their masks, organize inventory, make deliveries using their own vehicles, stuff produce and pantry bags and staff donation tables around the neighborhood.
I have a ticket to tonight’s 7:30 BAM’s New Wave dance performance Transverse Orientation. Orchestra center row K. See trailer at Dance.
If interested in going to see the show (for free) and sitting next to me (if you don’t know me, you can get yo know me … if you do know me you can get to know me know), text me at 917.373.6306
Kevin Ramza