Workout of the Day
Pause Bench Press
Work up to a top set of 8 on the Pause Bench Press. Hold the bottom of each rep for a 2 count.
Buy In:
30/24 Calorie Bike
Followed by:
30-20-10 Reps of:
Tuck-Ups or Sit-Ups
Hit the bike buy in at about 80% effort so that you don’t hit a wall before the couplet.
If needed, scale the burpee volume to 25-15-5
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/9)
Emily and Tong with some tandem Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
New Equipment Ordered
We’ve got some new equipment on the way. Get stoked!!! What else do you think we need?
Lat Pulldown with cable attachments x1
15lb milspec bumpers x5p
25lb comp bumpers x12p
Some new bars (the current ones don’t spin 🙁 )
Yes some need to be retired. Some need som TLC. It’s on the list.
Ben’s Box Mechanics booked for December 7th and 8th to maintenance and go through all our barbells over two days.
See what you get for reading the blog!