Workout of the Day
Power Clean + Split Jerk
Work up to a heavy but technically sound single on the Power Clean and Split Jerk.
4 Sets of:
A1) 8-10 Pendlay Rows
A2) 8-10 Barbell Roll Outs
Work up through 4 challenging sets of the Rows and roll outs. For the roll outs maintain a hollow body position and focus on control through your available ROM.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/8)
Wet Hot American Throwdown Tomorrow!
Buckle your seatbelts because the 2nd annual WHATD is tomorrow! As of this posting we have 19 CFSBKers registered to throwdown this evening in 4 total events. The first heat starts at 4:30pm and the event will run until roughly 7:30pm. Spectators are welcome and if you want to lend a hand with moving some equipment that would be awesome too! All competitors and spectators are encouraged to dress to impress!
- Warm up will be DIY!
- Be sure to arrive 15 min SHARP before your heat READY TO LIFT! We will be briefing the workout and answering questions prior to start of your heat time. We plan to start ON TIME.
- As soon as you are eliminated from the EMOM or finish the EMOM, head across the street to complete your floater WOD! If there is a traffic jam, head back across to cheer on your peers and check on the line in a moment! No stress, you will have approximately 45 minutes after you lift to get this done!
- All briefs to follow will be approximately 15 min before the start of every HEAT 1
- BYOBIG ENERGY and beverages
- Dress to impress. Duh.
- If you’d like to lend a hand with setup/breakdown of equipment in between events, we’d love that!
Event 1: 7 min Clean & Jerk EMOM
Male RX: 225/210/195/180/165/150/135
Scaled: 195/180/165/150/135/120/105
Female RX: 155/145/135/125/115/105/95
Scaled: 125/115/105/95/85/75/65
Event B: Devil’s Press and Shuttle Runs
6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps for time of:
Devils press (50/35- 35/20)
Shuttle runs
Event C: Gymnastics and DB Triple Threat
For time (15 min time cap)
3 Rounds of:
12 T2B/Hanging leg raises/hanging knee raises
16 DB Deadlifts (50/35#) (35#/20#)
**rest 1:00**
3 Rounds of
8 Chest to bar/ Kipping Pull-Ups/banded pull-ups
12 DB Squats
**rest 1:00**
3 rounds of:
4 BMU/chest to bar/unassisted pull-ups
8 DB hang Squat Cleans
Floater Event: The Sandbag Minute
sandbag carry for max distance in 1:00 @ 608 w/ dots (100/80/60)
100 = 3x points , 25ft= 1 rep
80= 2x points
60 = 1x points
Regarding floater: I changed 1 rep to = 25’ as opposed to 50’ in explanation if anybody was confused! didn’t want to film it again 🙂