Workout of the Day
Front Squat
3×8 @ 21×1
@ Same load as last week
AMRAP 5:00
Bike for calories
AMRAP 5:00
10 Wall Ball Shots
15 sec chin over bar hold (pronated or supinated)
AMRAP 5:00
25 Double Unders
10 V-ups
Chin over bar hold –> top of ring row hold (mature position)
DU –> 50 Alternating Foot Steps or Single Unders
V-Up –> Tuck up
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/6)
Farewell and Great Work Coach Lauren
We’d like to announce the bittersweet news that our very own Coach Lauren Snisky will be transitioning from her role as a full time coach to a new career in real estate. Lauren has dedicated the past 6 years of her professional life in service to the CFSBK community as a coach and in that time honed her craft, helped change countless lives and has been a key member of our team and community. We are sad to lose such a professional, kind and hard working coach, but we wish her nothing but success in her future endeavours. Farewell party TBD! Here’s a note from Lauren:
My last day as a CFSBK Coach is coming up on Saturday, July 16th, as I’ll be pursuing a career in real estate.
When I first came to CFSBK in December 2013, I was I think safe to say, a shell of a person.
There is a power in the self talk required to get you through a workout – in showing yourself you can do more than you ever thought – and in the support of this community. I’m both my experience as a member, and as a coach, this place has changed me for the better – and I am forever grateful.
It’s tough to know I won’t be able to see you all so frequently- but I plan to remain apart of this community.
Being a coach to you all… getting to work with this amazing staff, has been a privilege.
Thank you to David, all of the coaches, the members, for teaching me, and being my home for all these years.
Skull & Bones for life,
Coach Lauren
When I first got to CFSBK and had back issues that no one else has been able to help me through, Coach Lauren patiently helped me re learn movements, with better habits, strengthening my core, and I quickly became able to not only sit without pain, but squat, deadlift and snatch like before! Thank you Lauren!