Workout of the Day
A1) Romanian Deadlift
3 x 10-12 @ 3011
rest 45-60 sec
Same load as prior 2 weeks.
Regular or hook grip. No switch!
Hold. The. Tempo.
A2) Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press
3 x 12-16 alt @ 2011 tempo
rest 45-60 sec
Partner-Style Open WOD 18.1
AMRAP 20:00
8 Toes-to-bars
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks
14/12 Row Calories
DB C&J: Complete 5 reps one side, then switch and and complete 5 reps second side. These are NOT alternating. Competition loads are 50/35
Partners alternate full rounds of work to achieve as many total rounds as possible as a team in 20 min.
WOD Intent:
When solo, this workout is a grind. With a partner, each round should be higher intensity: keep tight transitions and a TOUGH effort on the row.
No individual round should take more than 2 minutes, so scale accordingly.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/6)
Cali on Wall Ball
Architect Breaks Down 5 of the Most Common New York Apartments | Architectural Digest
Nidhi and I were talking this morning and we thought it would be fun to get a Spanish-language conversation group together for those who’d like to practice their skillz. Would anyone want to do that? If so, email me: stellavision, gmail. I would also be interested in chatting with other German speakers!