Workout of the Day
SKILL: Toes to Bars
6 Rounds for Quality and Load:
6 Push Presses
12 Kipping Toes to Bars
:45 Air Bike
Rest 3:00
Move through the three exercises at increasing intensity/load each round. For the Toes to Bars, especially if you’re signed up for the open, focus on full ROM. Drop volume to 6-8 reps per round if needed. Sub partial range of motion KT2Bs or Hanging Knee raises if you cannot hit the bar. The Push Presses should be unbroken and taken off the floor, try to increase the weight each round if you can.
Steph trying to lay low until the Open blows over
New Starting Strength Cycles Live
Want to get (a lot) stronger? Our Starting Strength Barbell Club is an opportunity to spend 8 weeks working with a Starting Strength Certified coach developing your strength with the basic barbell lifts: Back Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press and Deadlift, as well as some assistance exercises like Chin-Ups and Rows. Classes are 90 minutes long and 2-3x per week. Registration for each cycle is capped to provide lots of movement feedback and individualized programming from your coach and to foster great camaraderie with your fellow lifters.
Days & Times
Morning Cycle
Days & Time: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7:30am-9am
Dates: Tuesday, March 8th – Thursday April 28th
Price: $220 per month ($440 total, excluding NY Sales Tax)
Afternoon Cycle
Days & Time: Monday, Wednesday & Fridays 11am-12:30pm
Dates: Monday, March 7th – Friday, April 29th
Price: $330 per month ($660 total, excluding NY Sales Tax)
Evening Cycle
Days & Time: Mondays & Wednesdays from 7:30-9pm and Fridays from 6:30-8pm
Dates: Monday, March 7th – Friday, April 29th
Price: $330 per month ($660 total, excluding NY Sales Tax)
HI everyone!! Coach K HarpZ here…I’m celebrating my birthday Friday night at Dirty Precious after Friday Night Fever. I’ll be there from 7:30-11ish! Its walking distance!!
317 3rd Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Hope to see everyone there! :)))))