Workout of the Day
A1: Shoulder Press
A2: Bent Over Kettlebell Row
Including warm-ups, perform 4-5 total sets on each movement. For the last three sets, keep 0-3 reps in reserve while staying within the rep ranges.
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Power Clean
Kipping Pull-Up
This should be a quick workout with a medium weight on the power clean such that you can complete the 21 set of power cleans into 2-4 touch and go sets. (135/115/95/75/65)
KPU: 21-15-9 / 15-9-6 / Strict & Banded 9-6-3 / Jumping 21-15-9
Because we already did some horizontal pulling in the first segment, avoid ring rows for today’s metcon.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/2)
Some magic circle magic during Pilates Happy Hour class. Sundays at 9am in the annex. Returning Sunday, January 9th
Still Room in the PM Strength Cycle
While the morning and afternoon cycles have sold out, we still have 4 slots left in the evening cycle starting January 3rd. Email us below to get into the cycle. You can read more about this program here!
Days & Time: Mondays & Wednesdays from 7:30-9pm and Fridays from 6:30-8pm
Dates: Monday January 3rd – Friday February 25th
Price: $330
There is space left in each cycle! Please email to reserve your spot (There is currently an issue with Zen Planner!)
Luis Mosquera: Fastest Lifter in the World? 2019 Worlds Training Hall with Slow Motion