Workout of the Day
4 Progressive Sets of:
6e 1/2 kneeling Windmills
12e Single Leg Touch Downs
18 Face Pulls
Perform 4 progressively challenging sets of the triplet. Focus on movement control and tension over total load.
AMRAP 16:00
8 Deficit Push-Ups
12 Wall Ball Shots
16 Box Jumps
Use two dumbbells for the deficit push-ups and make sure your chest touches the floor at the bottom of each rep. If deficit push-ups are too challenging for you perform standard, elevated or banded push-ups. If 8 reps is too easy for you, scale up to 12 reps.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/2)
Coach Ro and the ladies of Fit55 FLEXIN on ya
Schedule Changes this Week & Note on the Roll Up Gate
Due to comically low attendance this week, we will be closing at 7:30pm Monday through Thursday. That means the last CrossFit group class will be at 6:30pm and Open gym will end at 7:30pm. We will also assess the schedule otherwise and may remove classes that have 0-2 people in them. Of course if we cancel additional classes, any members RSVPd will be contacted well ahead before any changes are made to find an alternative time for them. Just remember to double check your Zen Planner member app for the schedule and as always RSVP ahead of time. Thank you for your understanding!
We will also be keeping the gates partially open even if the weather drops below 50 degrees to increase air flow in the space because of, well you know.
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