Today’s Programming
AMRAP 15:00
15 Calorie Row
10 DB Push Presses
5 Bar or Ring Muscle-Ups
We’ve got Muscle-Ups in today’s workout. Here are a few options you’ve got to consider:
A) 3-5 BMU or RMU
B) (mixed) 1-3 BMU + 5 Kipping Pull-Ups
C) 5-10 Kipping Pull-Ups
D) 10 Jumping Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
Row: 15 cals / Bike 11 Cals
DB Push Press: Use a weight that will challenge you for 10 reps but allow you to go unbroken early on.
Bench Press
Week 2! We’re up 5% from last week and adding one rep to each set. Try to perform today’s work sets in 90 second intervals as well.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Last Day to Sign Up for Fight Gone Bad 2021!
Today is the last day to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2021!
What is FGB? This is an annual event we do where people who sign up get placed into teams of 5-7 fellow CFSBKers. Teams choose a name/theme and perform the workout together, usually in costume! The workout we perform is called “Fight Gone Bad” and is a 5 station workout where athletes move through 3 rounds of 1:00 stations for max reps of: Wall Ball, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, Box Jumps Push Press and Rowing. Two teams perform the workout at a time in with a special playlist we make reflecting each teams theme. It’s a ton of fun!
Why do we do this? FGB is one of our largest community events and always tied to a good cause. Since 2008 we have raised over $300,000 for a variety of charities. This year we’ll be raising $$ for Hope for Haiti who is still recovering from a recent earthquake.
2008: $7,303 (Sportsgrants, defunct)
2009: $26,826 (Sportsgrants)
2010: $48,052 (Sportsgrants)
2011: $62,216 (Special Operations Warrior Foundation)
2012: $34,081 (Brooklyn Community Foundation)
2013: $40,926 (Brooklyn Community Foundation)
2014: $38,925 (Brooklyn Community Foundation)
2015: $26,949 (Brooklyn Community Foundation)
2016: $24,077 (Brooklyn Community Foundation)
2017: $22,069 (Brooklyn Community Foundation)
2018: $17,797 (Brooklyn Community Foundation)
2019: $22,986 (Sunrise Movement)
2020: Cancelled due to Pandemic
TOTAL RAISED: $372,207
What do I have to do? All you need to do is Sign Up! We will announce teams this week and then you can set up your fundraising accounts via the gyms campaign page. 100% of all funds raised will go directly to the charity.
Sign Up for Free Here!
We’ll leave you with just some team of the awesome shots from our 2019 event.
Stella says
OMG, the “Meat Gone Bad Burger” sign! A+++++