Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 10am
Today’s Programming
EMOM 15:00
1 Hang Power Clean
Work up to a techically sound hang power clean over 15:00. Try to work up within the EMOM. Don’t go heavier than you can move well for.
3 Rounds for time
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Kipping Pull-Ups
Kettlebell should be medium heavy and potentially unbroken (24/20/15/12)
Kipping Pull-Ups: 12 Kipping / 8 kipping / 6-8 Strict or Banded / 12 Ring Rows
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
5 Rounds of :30 Work/:30 Rest
1. (:15ea) Single Arm Hang Power Cleans
2. Semi Circle Mountain Climber
3. Alt DB/KB Snatches
4. Reverse Plank Bridge
5. KB/DB Swings
6. Hollow Rocks
7. Air Squats
Updated Covid Safety Protocols
Hey everyone, we wanted to check in and give you all an update on our Covid safety protocols. Now more than ever, it’s important to have a safe place to workout, blow off some steam, keep yourself healthy and see your gym friends. Since reopening on Sept 2nd, 2020, we’ve had over 23,800 check-ins at the gym and zero confirmed cases of covid transmission. We want to sincerely thank everyone for their diligence in following our protocols, staying home when sick and alerting us in cases of positive tests so that we could inform other members you shared the gym with. A year into the pandemic we’ve learned a lot about how the virus spreads as well as how it does not. We know that coronavirus is primarily transmitted through respiration and that proper ventilation, air filtration, social distancing and mask usage are all tools we can continue to lean on as effective mitigation strategies. Our open gates, hepa filters, mask policy and large workout stations all work to keep CFSBK a safe space to train. Recently the CDC released new guidelines regarding transmission via surfaces which we’re going to use to update our cleaning protocol at the gym. Additionally, many of you have gotten vaccinated so we’re also going to be providing an additional option to expedite your entry to the gym.
According to new guidelines released from the CDC, transmission of the Coronavirus via surfaces is exceedingly rare and regular disinfection does little to keep people safe. The inefficacy of regular cleaning to prevent covid transmission has been widely reported with some examples being here and here. Given this, we will be updating our cleaning protocol for members as follows:
- Continue to disinfect hands when entering the gym via the hand sanitation stations provided in each facility. Hand sanitizer is readily available throughout the gym and we encourage its regular use as well as minimizing touching your face.
- Cleaning of all used equipment will no longer be required at the end of your training sessions with the exception of: Go Mats, Abmats, Benches used for training and medicine balls. Now that we’ve got this great momentum cleaning, lets keep up the hygienic practice of always cleaning items you may leave sweat on.
- Chalk will become available for communal use again and will also continue to be available for individual purchase. We’re currently restocking chalk so there may be a delay in its availability.
- Cleaning supplies will continue to be available as they have been. Members who would like to clean up any additional equipment before or after use are more than welcome to.
- Should we be informed that a member has tested positive for covid, we will spray down the equipment with disinfectant in the relevant gym.
We’re excited to provide more of your precious time at the gym to training instead of cleaning and hope this will be a relief to all.
Digital Health History Questionnaire and Vaccine Cards
We’re delighted to see how many of you have already gotten vaccinated. To expedite your entry to the gym, moving forward you will have the option of either filling out the digital health history questionnaire or showing us your vaccination record card after you have been fully vaccinated and it has been 14 days or longer since your final shot. We will also accept a New York State Excelisor Pass. For the time being we will continue to take temperature readings upon entry.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
First-in-human clinical trial confirms novel HIV vaccine approach developed by IAVI and Scripps Research – Scripps Research
Thanks for always being so on top of everything, David!!
Thanks, Lauren! Excited to have more time for training and less time for detailing the plates!
It’s been interesting to watch how far this gym has fallen, run by a bunch of fools. What happened to ownership, when did it change hands?
It’s been interesting to see how much the culture has changed now all the bros have left tbfh.
Care to elucidate what you mean by “bro”? A male who lifts weights with more vigor and cares about performance? Does your mediocrity feel safer now? So glad 🙂
I can’t imagine how depressing your world view must be to anonymously leave this type of message on a gym board. I sincerely wish you greater general peace in your life that enables you to stop trolling a gym at which you no longer workout.
Hi, Former Member! You clearly came here to pick a fight but this unkind, unproductive comment is not welcome here, even if you find yourself upset or in pain. You have so much more to offer the world than this petty faceless squabbling. I hope you find more balance and peace in your life.
Similarly, I sincerely hope that at some point “culture” encompasses more than showing up 5 minutes before a class starts, masked, and then promptly shuffling off silently after. What a very sad and depressing way to define “a better culture”. What will you do when the masks can come off again and people might be allowed to hang out, socialize, and bring the culture of what SBK used to be back again?
it seems that inclusive doesnt include men. this guys comment was his own but wasnt biased. you on the other hand made a biased attack on a group which is super ignorant and goes quite contrary to the CFSB mission statement. you probably need to look at yourself harder and see why “bros” make you insecure. he is entitled to his opinion. you are not entitled to attack a group of people
What I will say is that the coaching has become extremely lackluster. coaches just standing around or chatting with long time members and not leading the classes. its just lazy and painful at times. ive only stayed because of convenience and lack of options
Dear Former Member,
Be better.
I believe you can be a better version of yourself.
I’m sure you have a bright future ahead of yourself.
Don’t make me out your name.
You’re not a bad person, we won’t judge you by this but Maybe go take a moment and think about your actions.
Have a wonderful Sunday and be the best version of yourself today bud.
Hey former member!
From one cis white male to another: I hear you! The times they are a-changing and it’s just so sad. I’m glad you’ve been watching from the sidelines and finally spoke up! It’s not creepy at all, so ignore what everyone else thinks.
So many things that we used to rule together are no more. And now they want to take away our gym too!?? I mean all these things that cfsbk stands for: sensible COVID-19 protocols (masks? Think sheeple, think!), greater inclusivity, and a more diverse community. All to do what? To allow more people access to workouts that improve their overall health and lifestyle? Is that what their “culture” is about? It’s awful. If you ask me, it’s been downhill since new ownership started in 2007.
DM me and let’s find a gym in Staten Island together. With lots of mirrors. For our vigorous lifts and performance. We will show up early, unmasked, and leave the gym making lots of noise. Every. Single. Time. To instill good culture. Let these fools care about each other. Who cares about their good vibes and happy faces? When the masks come off, they’ll see how great their culture really is. But without us. Ha! Let’s be awesome. Together. You and me?
PS We will continue to post our adventures together here. To show how much we don’t care about them.
CFSBK has been a much-needed and beloved home to so many, even throughout the pandemic. The ownership and management have done everything in their power to make sure to support their community throughout this time, even going so far as to give out all their equipment in good faith and were with us every day online. Air your dirty laundry somewhere else, Former Member, it’s not welcome here.
Dear Former Member Nobody Misses,
Imagine anonymously posting on the blog of a gym that you don’t even go to anymore (but you still read the blog?? bcz how lonely are you????) to say “you’ve changed” like it’s an email to an ex-girlfriend (you’re probably very familiar with having those). You didn’t even make it clear what “management” did exactly: what changed about the culture. Practiced responsible pandemic safety guidelines? Is that what you mean? Then, I think you meant to post a complaint on COVID-19’s blog page. Or are you mad that the gym is like inclusivvvve or clean or organized or that it’s staffed by friendly, intelligent people with better Fran times than you? Do you hate that the staff is super responsive if you contact them with requests, needs or questions? Like what is it that you hate? Besides the tiny vapid soul rotting inside your body that you can see so clearly when you look in the mirror as you curl. Sorry you didn’t make the Games or the gains to validate your sad ego. Do a few more DB thrusters, that’ll make the daddy issues melt away.
Get a life, manchild.
P.S. Everyone at your office hates you.
I actually know you. You are an emotionally/spirituality ugly person. Mad and lonely at the world. My opinion is the highlight of your life because it gave you something to attack and complain about. To create a false villain to give you purpose.
You’ve falsely tried to paint some sort of picture that im anti inclusion. I just don’t like the bad form the gym has taken. Not the people
But you’re still alone and unhappy. Still ugly in spirit and actions despite the virtue signaling you’ve just done.
Continue on in your unhappy and sadly angry life
” I just don’t like the bad form the gym has taken. ”
Care to provide some examples of this? Honestly want to know
+1! He’s like mad that he wasn’t clear about what he was whining about and that it led to speculation.
Lol. Unfortunately, you do not have the gift of ‘le smarts’ or delivering insight but bless your heart for trying, angel! Nobody virtual signaled you. You just weren’t intelligent enough to clarify what you meant at all by “changing culture” that you dug yourself a cute little hole of looking generally ignorant and now you’re lying in it. How’s the view from down there???? Don’t know what my favorite part is: that your attempt at hurting my feelings was just a discount remix on what I said to you (bcz ideas are hard for you) or that you posted your reply at 4:24am. Awww boo boo. Nothing *clap* better *clap* to *clap* do *clap*. *kiss emoji*. Put your shirt back on. You’re trash.
Hi Former Member! Andre makes a great point. Your opinion is welcome here, but the negative energy and hateful rhetoric (‘ship of fools’) is not. I’d echo that for others replying here. Feedback is ideally candid but not brutally unkind (this destroys trust which impedes clear communication and reception). Constructive feedback is additionally specific. Posting vague, unkind opinion anonymously in a public forum is not exactly courageous or productive. I wonder if the impact you’ve instigated here is what you intended? I encourage you to examine your intention. I’m genuinely sorry you do not seem to feel heard or understood. Sincerely wishing you more ease, Katherine.
You are a waaaaay better person than me 😂😂🙌🏼
Just popping in here to thank folks for their nice words of support for the gym. Honestly, the past year has been rough for everyone and I hope at the very least highlighted what kinds of things in life are real problems versus what are just distractions. For many of the reasons stated above, this person, is just a distraction and if ignored will go away. Have a great day ya’ll and see you at the gym
Very well said. 🙌🏼