CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Teens/Preteens: 4:30pm
Today’s Programming
Bench Press
3×8-10 Across
Perform three work sets, ideally at the same weight. Try to make the first set challenging to hit 10 but keep a rep or two in reserve on each set. Next week we’ll do a 5×5 where you can bump the weight up again.
4-5 Sets of:
10-15 Anti Rotational Landmine Reps
10e FFE SA KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
10 Bent Over Pronated DB Kick-Backs
Work up to challenging but perfect sets on all three movements.
For the Landmine, one rep is going to end range on both sides and finishing back in the start position.
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds:
6ea WGS
16 Quadruped Shoulder Taps
6 NP Burpees
A1. FFE Reverse Lunges
4 x 8 – 10 Reps Each
A2. Lying Triceps Extensions
4 x 10 – 12 Reps
A3. DB Pallof Press + Rotation
4 x 10 – 12 Reps Each
EMOM x 12:00
1. 6 – 8 Push Ups
2. 10 – 12 Goblet Squats
3. :30 Mountain Climbers
4. :30 Wall Sit March
Kyra Digging Deep during 21.1
Photo by Sam Ayide
You can see more pictures from this weekend in our Flickr
Don’t forget! All scores must be entered into the Games website by no later than 8pm tonight. Don’t sleep on it!
Scientists Finally Understand the Link Between Depression and Bad Sleep
Does anyone know if cotton or synthetic fabric will breath better when wet? And can anyone recommend a good mask that I’m able to breath when wet…
Asking for a friend.
I use these under a disposable face mask.
Helps with the panic mode suffocation when breathing in.
I just use the boring old disposable ones