Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6p
Today’s Programming:
A1: Barbell Bent Over Row 4×8-12e
A2: Dumbbell Windmill 4x8e
BOR: These are from the hang, meaning the barbell does not touch the floor at the bottom of each rep. No tempo prescribed but control the way up and down. Use a supine or prone grip, whichever feels better for you.
WM: 2↓-1-2↑-1 tempo. Perform your non dominant side first. People with poor shoulder mobility can opt for a bottom arm loaded WM
16:00 Circuit
8 Strict Toes to Bars
10 DB Biceps Curls
Run 270m
If you move deliberately and minimize transitions you should be able to get 4+ rounds in.
T2B: Strict knees & elbows extended / Bent knees & elbows or Knees to Elbows / 12 Hanging leg raises / 16 Supine Leg Raises
Curl: Dumbbells move at the same time. Dont rush these
Run: to 3rd Ave and back
CFSBK @ Home
Warm – Up
8 Bodysaws
8ea Single Leg Cone Touches
8 NP Burpees
A1. Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A2. Single Arm Gorilla Row
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
AMRAP 12:00
12 KB/DB Swings
6ea SA DB Hang Power Snatches
24 Plank Toe Taps
Programming Notes
The information below will live under the Member Resources area linked as “CrossFit Programming Template” which is located to the right of this post on a desktop or all the way at the bottom of the blog on mobile.
This first cycle is going to acclimate you back into regular training as well as implement some practices and principles that we’ll abide by from here on out. We want our workouts to be rigorous, encourage longevity and be fun. We’ll accomplish this by balancing movement planes and archetypes through the week (see below.) Each day’s programming favors movements with significant time under tension as opposed to excessive ballistic movements and volume. Finally, every single workout is tested and tweaked internally before being offered up to our members.
Most of the workouts will follow the age old template of: Strength + Metcon/assistance or a longer single workout of the day which integrates the assigned strength work into the conditioning.
No Rx’d weights
One thing you’ll notice about the programming is that gender specific Rx weights are not assigned to workouts. While they may have utility in competitive CrossFit, for the context of affiliate programming we find that the majority of people don’t end up performing these loads anyway. They can create expectations that may distract you from doing YOUR best. So how do we know what to lift?! Well, like we always have. Our coaches will explain the intended stimulus of the workout/lift, provide context like how many sets it should be broken into or how many reps in reserve you should have as well as guide you individually given their experience working with you. Sometimes we might offer a range of 5 weights that might commonly be used for a workout. For example, you might see (315/275/225/185/135/…) or (115/95/75/55/35/…) which can be a jumping off point for you and your coach to begin figuring out what makes the most sense for you.
No Programmed Snatching (this cycle)
As we make our way back into training we’re going to limit our olympic lifting programming to clean variations. We want you to get the most out of your class time and relative to snatching, cleans allow you to move more weight, create a more profound training stimulus, are easier for most people to perform well, require less flexibility and less time reviewing technique with light weights. We still love the snatch, but are going to “take a break” for a while. That being said, if you love snatching and want to continue, you may substitute a snatch variation on a day we program cleans. You must be competent enough with the snatch variation to only require refinement on your technique, not basic instruction on how to perform it. We may bring it back in future cycles or when we have more flexibility with time, but for now, get ready to get really good at cleans.
Cycle Length
5 Week Cycle
9/2/20 – 10/4/20
The training schedule is broken up into 4 days which continuously repeat.
A Day
- Squat Day 1 (BSQ/FSQ)
- Overhead Strength
- Double Unders
B Day
- Hinging (Deadlifts mostly)
- Pull-Up Strength
C Day
- Bench Press (5-10 rep range) + Push-Ups (15-20 rep range)
- Squat Day 2: (More varied Squat movements)
- Clean variants often
D Day
- Horizontal Pulling Strength (BB and DB Rows)
- Trunk Strength/Stability
- Windmills
Wednesday | 9/2/20 | A |
Thursday | 9/3/20 | B |
Friday | 9/4/20 | C |
Saturday | 9/5/20 | D |
Sunday | 9/6/20 | A |
Monday | 9/7/20 | B |
Tuesday | 9/8/20 | C |
Wednesday | 9/9/20 | D |
Thursday | 9/10/20 | A |
Friday | 9/11/20 | B |
Saturday | 9/12/20 | C |
Sunday | 9/13/20 | D |
Monday | 9/14/20 | A |
Tuesday | 9/15/20 | B |
Wednesday | 9/16/20 | C |
Thursday | 9/17/20 | D |
Friday | 9/18/20 | A |
Saturday | 9/19/20 | B |
Sunday | 9/20/20 | C |
Monday | 9/21/20 | D |
Tuesday | 9/22/20 | A |
Wednesday | 9/23/20 | B |
Thursday | 9/24/20 | C |
Friday | 9/25/20 | D |
Saturday | 9/26/20 | A |
Sunday | 9/27/20 | B |
Monday | 9/28/20 | C |
Tuesday | 9/29/20 | D |
Wednesday | 9/30/20 | A |
Thursday | 10/1/20 | B |
Friday | 10/2/20 | C |
Saturday | 10/3/20 | D |
Sunday | 10/4/20 | A |
Alona says
Everything is humbling.
Thomas Reed says
The programming here is always so we’ll thought out. How do you determine what movement groups you want to pair up? For example, hinging and pull-ups or squats and overhead, could it just as easily have been hinging and overhead?
When it comes to programming different movements for the specific days, how do you plan what movements you want in what order? Using standard barbell bench press for one C day and then dumbbell another C day? Is it based on the other work happening on those days as well as factoring in any clean up time needed?
Is there a way you plan the work for the specific days, so that if someone decides that they like B and C days and will only come on those days, so that you hit all the muscle groups over time even just on those specific days?
As always, I love the programming and coaching at this gym! Looking forward to putting in more work!