CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am (with Sasha S!)
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Today’s Programming
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
12 ALT Scorpion Stretch
6 Yoga Push Ups
24 High Knees
A1. 1 x Goblet Squat @2221+ 2 x ALT Reverse Lunges
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A2. Push-Ups
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
*For A1: 1 Rep = 1 Squat and 2 Lunges
4 Rounds (:40 Work/:20 Rest) of:
1. Low Box Runners
2. Wall Walks or Piked Shoulder Taps
3. Russian Twists
4. :20ea Star Plank
Fit55 @ Home
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
5e Forward/Backward Leg Swings
5e Torso Rotations
5e Wide Stance Forward Bend Twist
5 Reverse Plank Bridge Ups (hold top for :02)
3-4 alternating sets each of:
1) 5-8e Single Leg Hip Bridges :02 at top
2) 8 SA Press + 8 Front Rack Reverse Lunges
*Rest :30-1:00 between exercises
5 Rounds
:30 Single Arm Hang Snatches Left
:30 Single Arm Hang Snatches Right
1:00 Rest
:30 Shoulder Taps
:30 Hollow Hold
1:00 Rest
Aim to move at a moderate pace throughout
We recently received this wonderful testimonial from CFSBKer Stacey T. Really, this is what its all about, health and happiness. Community and self discovery. We thought others might relate or appreciate Stacey’s sentiments and wanted to share.
Re posted with Permission:
I was thinking yesterday after class in the park and then the farewell for Jess and Chris about the amazing community that you’ve created and how profoundly it’s affected my life and Arend’s life.
When we joined I was pretty out of shape. My father had passed away a few months prior. The installation I did in the art show was largely a tribute to him.
Losing my dad was devastating. The grief was overwhelming. I was nervous all the time- quite literally I would go to sleep at night and think that I wasn’t going to wake up in the morning/that I’d stop breathing- I mean, it was nuts. I was tired and bloated- I called it my grief weight. I’ve always been able to bounce back from things and I wasn’t bouncing back from this. I remember taking my first short circuit class and thinking I’ll never be able to do this, I’m not an athlete, I’ve never been an athlete. Then finishing that class and then finishing another class. Meeting amazing people that I call my friends now. Being cheered on by people in class. Such a different experience for a kid who had asthma and was picked last in gym class.
Those classes and working with Brett, Whit and the other coaches as well as doing PN twice now with the Foxes, quite literally brought me back to life. Becoming physically stronger helped me to be emotionally stronger. It changed the way I view myself, and forced me to release old narratives about myself that just weren’t true anymore. It’s still a work in progress but the gym holds me accountable.
CFSBK is a space where it’s okay to ask for help because we all need it at some point in our lives. That’s huge.
So thank you and happy Sunday.
I’m very sore from yesterday’s 8am 🙂
Stacey!!!!! I miss you!!
Thank you for sharing this. 🧡
Wonderful piece, Stacey, well said.
Giving you a virtual hug, Stacey! Have loved getting to know you and Arend in SC. Congrats on the progress you have made.
We’ve loved getting to know you guys too!
We love you Stacey! I’ll come join you in the “picked last for gym class” corner when it is safe to do so <3
Stella you’re the best!
Thank you for posting this Stacey!! So glad CFSBK fam can be there for you always XO
Thanks Charles:)
I miss you too!