Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
CFSBK @ Home: 10am
4 Rounds, each round for time, of:
50 Air Squats
40 Sit-Ups
30 KB/DB Swings
20 Hand Release Push-ups
Rest 3:00 between each round.
Choose scaling options that allow you to work hard for the 4 movements. 3:00 is plenty of rest to recoup and hit each round hard!
WAHHH we miss you all!!! Throwback to Friday Night Lights with this amazing crew.
Decibel Presents Get Behind the Mask: An Online Gallery of Metal Musicians in Support of Public Health
3:54 Mod. (40/30/20/10)
5:00 Rx
5:27 Rx
(push up mod to knees)
6:00 Rx
(push up mod to knees)
two things: how do I find out about Ab-athon? was it today? or tomorrow?
2. this morning crazy met-con: 5:16 Rx’d; then doubled the kettlebbell weight and hit 5:06; and 525 and 5:30.
That really was a CRAZY metcon.
4:34, 4:52, 4:58, 5:22, 15 pushups per round. Pushups DIED in the last round, can I have a socially distanced funeral for them?