Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD 6.24.20
Warm Up
6ea Quadruped Hip Circles
6 x :05 Isometric Prisoner Squat
6 Pike Toe Touches
A1) 3 x 8-10 reps each Single Arm Kettlebell/Dumbbell Front Squat
A2) 3 x 8-10 reps each Single Arm High Pull
4 Rounds For Quality:
20 Bird Dogs
15 V Ups
:30ea Single-Arm Overhead Hold
20 Gate Swings
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FIT 55+ At-Home WOD 6.24.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds (at a deliberate pace):
4e Lunge Stretch with Rotation
12 Shoulder Taps
12 Hip Bridges
4-5 Sets (each):
8 Backpack Cleans
8 Hollow Body Dead Bugs (L+R=1 rep)
Cycle through 4 rounds of the circuit:
:30 Work / :30 Rest
1) No-Push-Up Burpees
2) Sumo Backpack Deadlifts
3) Mountain Climbers
4) Reverse Plank Bridge Hold
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Tomorrow at 7:30pm: CFSBK Trivia Night!
We’re hosting another Zoom Trivia Night this Thursday, June 25th at 7:30pm! Our own Crossword Wizard, Stella Z. has curated a list of challenging questions to strain your brains! Sign-up via this link and you’ll be added to a team (or sign up with a team, up to you).
More info about Stella:
- Currently ranked #4 in the country at the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament; ranked in the top 10 eight times
- She make crosswords too, and her latest appeared in the New York Times on Saturday, June 20
- Three-time TV game show competitor (Jeopardy, 2006; Million Second Quiz, 2013; Mental Samurai, 2019)
- When we’re not ravaged by a global pandemic, she hosts trivia twice a month at 68 Jay Street Bar.
- You can solve her puzzles for free at (warning: the ones she put there are very hard!)
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