Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD 6.8.20
:30 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
20 High KneesStrength
5 – 7 Sets (each side):
5 Single-Arm Sumo Deadlifts + 4 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Strict Presses, Push Presses or Push JerksConditioning
3 Rounds:
:40 Work/:20 Rest
A) Alternating Kettlebell/Dumbbell Snatches
B) Contralateral Glute Bridge Hold (:20ea)
C) Pause Jump Squats
D) Wall Facing Shoulder Taps (or Bear Plank Shoulder Taps)
E) V-Ups or Tuck Ups
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FIT 55+ At Home WOD 6.8.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds (at a deliberate pace):
5e Hip Up and Overs
5e Plank T-Rotations
3e Mountain Climber Stretch
:20 Reverse Plank Bridge
4-5 Sets (each):
5 Goblet Squats @4441
5e Turkish Sit-Ups
12 Minutes of Continuous Effort:
16 Backpack/Tote bag Swings
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges
6 Burpees
Aim to move consistently at moderate effort the entire time, breaking only as needed.
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An Important Announcement from CFSBK
By David Osorio
After nearly 13 years as a loyal affiliate, we have decided to end our affiliation with the CrossFit brand. Please see the links below for the context that informed this decision, and know that we remain as committed as every to providing an inclusive fitness community on Degraw Street.
CrossFit, Black Lives, and COVID Rocket CrossFit
Glassman to Nine-Year Affiliate Owner: “You Are Delusional” Morning Chalk Up
Gyms and Brands Are Canceling Partnerships with CrossFit After CEO’s Racist Tweet Business Insider
Big move, and congratulations. You’ve done the right thing.
I’m more proud than ever to be associated with all my friends here at CFSBK.
These are extraordinary times, and they will often call for these kinds of actions.
A new world lies ahead and you’ve taken the first step toward it.
Much love,
Here to express support for your decision… and to suggest CrossBones South Brooklyn as the new name!!
I like it!
I was wondering whether this would happen after seeing yesterday’s news.
I am proud to be a member of SBK, whatever (if anything) you choose to put in front of it, DO.
Crushing Fascism South Brooklyn
This is my vote! Do it for the f&%$ing awesome possible t-shirt designs if nothing else.
I already thanked you on IG but here’s my thanks again. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who was really starting to feel torn about my love for CFSBK and my discomfort over first the likely racism of CF-as-a-brand’s choice to be silent and then its even more overtly racist voice.
I was already uncomfortable with his creepy ass likely misogynistic libertarianism anyway so good riddance. You are better than that brand.
Congrats, David!
Most importantly, you’re doing the right thing.
Your gym always seemed too good to be just another affiliate anyway! (it’s the thing I miss most about Brooklyn)
Good luck going forward,
Hi David,
You’re an amazing leader and you made the right decision. Your business will not suffer but instead grow.
Congratulations and many thanks.
Diane Fener
A bold but necessary move. As Samir says, extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.
I’m proud to be part of this amazing community.
I’ll chime in with a name suggestion: South Brooklyn Strength.
As always David, the emphasis on quality of movement is what makes you and the coaches of CFSB superb beings.
David your strength and leadership is inspiring on every level. Appreciate you so much. If you’d like to make the C stand for Cathy I’m totally fine with that. So much love and gratitude.
I too, am fine with C standing for Chopra.
Chopra Fitness South Brooklyn.
The only problem is that people will think this is some kind of New Age Deepak Chopra You Can Lift a Barbell If You Just Want It Bad Enough kind of shit.
AHEM! CamFit
also ok with Crushing Facism SBK!
Thank you DO for this decision, it means a lot to us.
ChrisFox South Brooklyn
I have always denounced Glassman as a Trotskyite wrecker.
Long live the glorious fitness revolution!
Are we allowed to keep the old shirts?
Hooray for integrity!! You could always just use the letters, right? I like the letters.
Well done. Right move.
Inclusivity and diversity have always been core to the CFSBK community.
Love this and you, David!
I’ll come no matter what you call it but I’m with Lizzie on the skull and crossbones logo. It makes for good merchandise 😂
I imagine this was a really difficult decision for you David. I’m really glad you made this call. Love, support, and solidarity.
Thank you so much for all the support guys it really means the world to me during such an insane in difficult time. It’s really a shame because Greg doesn’t represent the CrossFit Community and this takes away from so many people but we can’t support someone who isn’t aligned with our values. We won’t let you down and still have a lot of work to do to make our space even better than before. That includes making sure we don’t call it ChrisFox south brooklyn lol
I love you all!!!!