Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD 6.1.20
Warm Up
:15 Prone W Hold
6ea Squat Thoracic Rotations
6 Reverse Yoga Push-Ups
A1) 3 x 6-8 each Single Arm Kettlebell Front Squat
A2) 3 x 6-8 each Lawnmower Row
3 Rounds of :40 Work/:20 Rest:
A) Goblet Squats
B) Single-Arm No-Push-Up Renegade Rows (:20ea)
C) Russian Twists
D) Single-Arm Overhead Hold Right
E) Single-Arm Overhead Hold Left
Post work to comments.
FIT 55+ At Home WOD 6.1.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds (at a deliberate pace):
5e Fire Hydrants
5e Bird Dogs
:20e Overhead Triceps and Lat Stretch
10 Alternating Supported Lateral Lunges
4-5 Sets (of each):
8e Goblet Split Squats
8e Push Press + :20 Overhead Hold March
10 Minutes of Continuous Effort:
10e Single-Arm Jug/Tote Bag Swings
15 Squats
20 Alternating Plank Position Shoulder Taps
Aim to move consistently the entire time at a moderate effort, breaking only as needed. Modify the to Chair Squats as needed.
Post work to comments.
Lin-Manuel Miranda congratulated our own Martha S. on receiving her MFA in Playwriting from Brooklyn College, and we’re congratulating her, too. Show Martha some love in the comments!
This Week: Equipment Pick Up. Everything Must Go!
As we prep the gym for our eventual reopening we’re asking members to come pick up all their shoes, belts, logbooks, and other items left at the gym. We’ll host 3 one-hour pickup windows starting this Tuesday.
If you can’t come in to get your stuff email us at before next Friday, June 5th. We will be donating or discarding EVERYTHING left behind!
Watch 19-Year-Old Shelby Sullivan Squat 402 lb. BarBend
The Loneliest Everest Expedition Outside
Congrats, Martha!
MARTHA!!!! YAY!!!!! Congratulations, lady. You’re amazing!
I love your novels and am looking forward to your plays!
Wow! Wonderful! Congratulations, Martha!
What an achievement! Congrats Martha!
Hey Martha – congratulations!! Well done.
Yay, Martha! So inspiring 👏🏼😬👏🏼
Yes Martha l!!!!
Woah. So cool Martha!