Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 5.26.20
Warm Up
5 each Shoulder Cars
:20-:30 Reverse Bridge Plank
8 Alternating Samson Lunges
“Murph” Recovery
30:00 for Quality:
5 each Reverse Lunges with 5 second stretch at bottom
5 Inch Worm T Rotations with 2 second hold in T postion
:30 each/40m 1-Arm Overhead Hold/Carry
5 each Elbow-to-Instep w/Rotation
:30 Hang or :30 1 Arm DB/KB Suitcase Hold
10 Alternating Prone Scorpions
If you don’t have a hanging option, more horizontal hangs are a good as well, such as straight arm towel holds:
Post work to comments.
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Different set of circumstances but same great community. Thank you to everyone who came out to virtual Murph Day yesterday!
The Week Ahead at CFSBK
Summer is unofficially underway, and we’re as committed as ever to helping you stay fit and connected to the CFSBK community. We have a full schedule of classes for you this week! Here’s what’s up:
7am Locked & Loaded
8am Morning Mindfulness (free and open to all!)
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
6pm Locked & Loaded
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8+)
6pm Locked & Loaded
7am Yoga for Athletes
6pm Mat Pilates
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
7am Locked & Loaded
8am Morning Mindfulness (free and open to all!)
12pm Locked & Loaded
10am Locked & Loaded
12pm Brittnastics
10am Active Recovery
If you still haven’t taken one of our virtual classes, everything you need to know is over on the Virtual Class Info page!
News and Notes
Arend T. has an extensive brewing kit for brewing beer. It’s basically a 5 gallon home brew starter kit with add ons and bottles. He’d love to donate this to someone who wants it and would love to start home brewing. He can drop it off or offer safe pick up from his place. Email him at if you’re interested!
- Question of the Day: What is your favorite type of pancake?
To Fight Covid-19, Don’t Neglect Immunity and Inflammation NY Times
Medicine Is Based on Men. That’s Bad News for All of Us Outside
Potato pancakes! It’s not that I don’t love IHOP-style pancakes, it’s just that latkes are ridonkulous.
I’m feeling reasonably good after doing 130 pushups yesterday but it was still nice to do a chill WOD today.
QOD – This kind!
Is a Johnny cake made w cornmeal?
Blueberry. IN the pancakes. Not as topping.