Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded Whiteboard Explanation 5.19.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
3 each Turkish Get-Ups (no weight or light weight
5 Inchworm T Rotations
12 Alternating 1-Arm Swings
1-Arm Clean and Jerk:
4 x 8-12 each
Adding volume from last week.
20 Minutes for Quality:
3 each Turkish Get-Ups
8-12 Alternating Kettlebell/Dumbbell Leg Lifts
:20-:30 Superman Hold
30-50 Hollow Flutter Kicks
Post work to comments.
Road Warriors Cycle 2, Wk4, Day 1
Warm Up
Joint Prep (1x through):
10 Forward/Back Ankle Rocks
4 Quadruped Rocks to Shin Stretch
4e Quadruped Hip CARS
3 Rounds:
5e Forearm to Instep
5 Bootstraps with T Spine Rotation
20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps
5 Rounds:
550m Run
20 Alternating Reverse Lunges (or Alternating Pistols!)
10 Push-Ups
- Rest 1 minute between rounds
- Intensity a little higher for each interval but goal is consistent split times while maintaining nasal breathing.
- Be smart and protect yourself (and others)!
3-5 Minute Walk
Accumulate 10 minutes: Couch Stretch, Pigeon Pose, Prone Scorpion, Down Dog
Post work to comments.
Coaches Lynsey and David perfect their synchronized rope dancing
Jump Rope Coaching with Coach Lynsey
Are you struggling with Double-Unders? Do you want to learn new jump rope skills? Or do you just want to perfect your technique? Coach Lynsey is offering 30 minute one- on- one Zoom jump rope coaching sessions tailored to your needs. For most of us, jump rope is both frustrating and rewarding in the context of workouts, but while it can be challenging, it’s fun and a great way to train your cardiovascular system! So, whether you’re looking to learn the basics of Jump Rope, improve your capacity in workouts, or add new skills to your repertoire, this additional training opportunity could be for you.
One 30-Minute Zoom Session: $55.
(Note that we want this programming to be accessible for all, so if you’re keen to sign up, but facing financial hardship – please reach out to Lynsey!)
Email Coach Lynsey at to sign up!
Question of the Day
What is your go-to donut?
How to Maintain Motivation in a Pandemic NY Times
How American and Chinese Values Shaped the Coronavirus Response TED
7am LnL with the Foxes
4×12 on strength, 3 rounds for quality, 40-lb’er as usual
QOD: decision tree
yeast > cake
glazed > frosted
filled > unfilled
frosting > fruit > custard
However! If I’m trying to judge the quality of a doughnut shop I’ll opt for an old-fashioned.
PSA: Dunkin Donuts is open, and they may or may not give you two for the price of one if you are brave enough to go in there these days.
Between yesterday’s and today’s questions, wondering how different my life would be if I were the type of person that didn’t like doughnuts and chose to eat egg whites and kale every morning for the rest of my life
Right?! These questions, especially when you’re doing 7 AM and thinking about breakfast anyway, are a (very mild) form of torture.
QOD: The apple cider ones at greenmarkets. Or, when all this is over and I can go to Philly again, a freshly made cinnamon sugar one from Federal Donuts. FedNuts is like bougie Krispy Kreme: They have three flavors that they’ll make fresh out of the fryer for you. SO GOOD.
Workout: 4 sets of 8 with the 40# DB, which is only 2 reps more total than last week, but in 4 longer sets instead of 5 short ones, so there’s that.
TGUs with 20# DB, since holding it up for 3 reps in a row is…tough.
Each of the last two days I’ve spent the entire workout thinking about donuts.
4×12 each @ 30# for the C&J.
2 sets @20#, 2 sets @25# and one set at 30# for the TGU.
QOD- not really much of a donut person (far prefer cookies and crunchy things) but after this morning’s answers I think I’ve been missing out.
Wonderful TED Talk!