Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD 5.16.20
Warm Up
10 Minutes for Quality:
8 Double Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift (3 second negative)
20 Bicycle Crunches
5-10 Push-Up Shoulder Taps
5 Bent Over YTWs (light or no weight)
5 Rounds:
:30 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Deadlifts
:30 Tall Plank
:30 Burpees
:30 Rest
:30 1 Arm Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings
:30 Squat Hold
:30 Jumping Air Squats
:30 Rest
Post work to comments.
Brittnastics 5.16.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
7 each side Weighted or Unweighted Windmills
7 Compression Sit-Up to Pancake
7 Seated Straddles + 7 Circles In and Out
Moving our prep work into the warm up. 🙂
8 each side Adductor Rocks & Rotations
Frog Stretch PAILs & RAILs
5 x 1.1 Wall Assisted Straddle Press (can also do spotter assisted)
Rest :20, rest :60.
Modifications: wall assisted negative only (kick up to handstand and straddle down slowly), partner spotted negative or full press (last week those in class who had a spouse/roommate/partner were able to complete the press negative with a spotter, which was super fun!), towel pike/straddle ups or straddle hops.
5 Rounds:
A1) :20 Wall Facing Hollow Body Handstand
Immediately into…
A2) 6 Straddle Hops (or your Towel Straddle Ups)
Finisher Work
4 Rounds:
6/6 Super Slider Lateral Lunges
6-8 Super Slider Ab Roll Outs
Go as low as you can on both movements while holding good positions!!
Good position for lateral lunge: neutral spine, knee in line with foot, maintaining toes of extending leg facing forward & in line with other foot
Ab roll out: no arching of spine, butt squeezed and tucked, arms straight.
Post work to comments.
Weekend Classes
Get your socially distanced fitness on with us this weekend! We have a few classes to choose from. Here’s our schedule:
10am Locked & Loaded
12pm Brittnastics
10am Active Recovery
Click over to the Virtual Class Info page to join us.
Americans Have Baked All the Flour Away The Atlantic
HQ Announces Games Roster and New Qualification Requirements Morning Chalk Up
Look at the perfect Pose running technique on those two guys!
Dear Keith,
You’re a sadist.
10 AM class