Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 5.12.20
3 Rounds:
16 Alternating Crossbody Toe Touches
10 Inchworm T Rotations
12 Alternating 1 -Arm Swings
1 Arm Clean and Jerk:
4 x 6-10 each
Add volume from last week.
20 Minutes for Quality:
40m/:30 1-Arm Overhead Carry/March/Hold
10 V Ups or Tuck Ups + :15 Hollow Hold (at the end of set)
6-10 each 1-Arm Pause Sumo Deadlifts (pause half way up for 1 sec.)
30-50 Hollow Flutter Kicks
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Road Warriors Cycle 2, Wk3, Day 1
Warm Up
Ankle Mobility
5 each: Forward/Back Rocks, Forward Reach, Lateral Reach, Curtsy Reach
3 Rounds:
5e Alternating Standing Toe Touches
5e Lateral Hurdle Step Overs
5e Side Plank Rotations
5e Spider-Man Mountain Climbers
25 Minutes (move at a continuous pace through the following):
550m Run
20 Mountain Climbers
25 Squats
- Goal is steady pace while maintaining nasal breathing.
- Use a mat, gloves or a small towel to protect hands if desired.
Accumulate 10 Minutes: Standing Quad Stretch, Runners Stretch, Down Dog Calf March
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CFSBKer Sarah Costigan hard at work in the ICU at Brooklyn Methodist. Today we’re honored to bring you her thoughts on the COVID-19 crisis. Read on!
A Dispatch from Sarah C.
For the past three years I’ve been working as a nurse at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital here in Park Slope. Most recently I’ve been the manager of the Surgical and Medical Intensive Care Unit .It has been a fantastic place to work. As a nurse, I’ve been incredibly happy.
In the past 10 weeks, I’ve seen my nursing career, and Brooklyn Methodist in a different light.
We (doctors and nurses) have been fighting the good fight to defeat COVID-19. It’s been incredible. Something very hard for me to write or talk about. We’ve been through some incredibly tough days, and unfortunately I don’t think we are done. But what keeps me coming back every day is the teamwork, the sacrifice, and the cohesiveness. There is so much media about what is happening here in the hospitals of NYC. Some of these claims are utterly heartbreaking, but then many are incredibly uplifting. Every day I watch someone do something outside of their job description just to make a peer’s day a little easier or a patient that much more comfortable. Working tirelessly every day to overcome some piece of this virus. That is what is really happening in these hospitals.
As hard as it has been, what stands out to me is the beauty of humanity. The outpouring of love and support from our local community has been amazing. Whether you are walking home late at night after a brutal day, and someone stops to thank you for your service, or we open a window in our unit at 7pm to hear the evening clap, it has given me hope for humanity.
Hope that we will make it through this pandemic, together. Hope that when it’s over, we will lean on each other a little more. Hope that there is still a lot of good left in this world.
Thank you everyone for staying home. Thank you for wearing your mask in public. Thank you to everyone who takes a minute out of their day to give thanks to essential workers. You may not believe it, but those two minutes of bells and whistles, is what carries many of us through the day. You’re doing your part. We could not get through this without you.
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. This week I finally got to really start working out again, since this all started, and it made me miss CFSBK. I hope one day soon we can get back to some kind of norm and will all be reunited at a place we love.
Stay well, stay healthy, and find some glimmer of hope and happiness in your days.
Question of the Day
What kinds of videos send you down a rabbit hole on YouTube?
Nurses Have Always Been Heroes JSTOR Daily
Don’t Close Parks. Open Up Streets The Atlantic
Thank you Sarah! It’s good to know there are people like you out there doing what you do. We live two blocks from your hospital, so you may not be able to hear us cheering for you, but know that we are. Look forward to seeing you back in the gym one day.
Thank you Sarah, for all the work you do! Be safe and hang in there.
Hope you can get out again soon to climb!
Thank you Sarah! 🤗
7am LnL. I feel like fewer people log in for “for quality” workouts, mistakenly thinking it is not going to be as difficult. The faithful will emerge from quarantine with massive shoulders and abs of steel from this programming.
QOTD: I don’t really watch YouTube but I enjoy *reading* the titles and looking at the thumbnails from “influencers” like
“The faithful will emerge from quarantine with massive shoulders and abs of steel from this programming.”
You’re not kidding.
Thank you to Sarah and all of the people who are working so tirelessly to take care of the sick and suffering.
Thank you Sarah and other SBKers on the front lines!
7 AM: did 5 sets of C&J (6 reps each) again, because it’s hard to manage longer sets with the 40# but I also feel like I can do more than 24 total reps. Kept the 40# for the NFT work. I should probably at least try doing paused deadlifts with the 65# before I have to give it back!
QOD: I’m not much of a YouTube watcher but boy can I get sucked into a Reddit rabbit hole a mile deep. My favorite is AITA (Am I the A-hole)?
Thanks for sharing and for all you’re giving, Sarah. It was really nice to log in this morning and see your face ❤️
Jon C lol…
QOD – TED Talks and DIY home improvement tutorials. I can apparently really get lost in both.
Also an emphatic fook yah to the The Atlantic article
Ditto to the 20th power.
Thanks so much for sharing that and more for all the work and caring for others.
Sarah missing your face and so glad to hear how you are doing and your thoughts on all this, thank you xo
Thank you, Sarah. You are a hero. <3